
You can install the software with pip

python3 -m pip install cardiac-geometries

Alternatively you can install it directly from Github

python3 -m pip install git+

However, to actually use the software you need to also install gmsh with python bindings and to convert the mesh into FEniCS format you also need to install FEniCS.

Install using Docker#

Docker is a simple alternative if you don’t want to go through the hazel of installing both FEniCS and Gmsh. We provide a pre-build Docker image with FEniCS and Gmsh installed at orgs/scientificcomputing, which should be compatible with both AMD64 and ARM64 architectures. You can run the image interactively using the command

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/home/shared -w /home/shared -it

If you want to get an image with cardiac-gemometries installed you can use the Docker image from the GitHub repo

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/home/shared -w /home/shared -it

Installing python bindings for gmsh#

If you are using Mac and have installed gmsh with Homebrew, i.e

brew install gmsh

then it will also install python bindings. In my case there is a file called located in /opt/homebrew/lib. In order to make python see this file, you can just update the PYTHONPATH environment variable, e.g

export PYTHONPATH=/opt/homebrew/lib:$PYTHONPATH

Similar hacks might be possible for Linux as well