# Copyright (C) 2012 Johan Hake
# This file is part of ModelParameters.
# ModelParameters is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ModelParameters is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ModelParameters. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# System imports
import re
from . import sympy as sp
from .logger import error
from .sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef as _AppliedUndef
from .sympy.printing import StrPrinter as _StrPrinter
from .sympy.printing.latex import latex as _sympy_latex
from .sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter as _LatexPrinter
from .sympy.printing.precedence import precedence as _precedence
from .utils import check_arg as _check_arg
from .utils import scalars as _scalars
_order = "none"
# A collection of language specific keywords
_cpp_keywords = [
_python_keywords = [
_matlab_keywords = [
_julia_keywords = [
"@assert" "for",
_fortran_keywords = (
"block data",
"else if",
+ [
+ ["forall", "pure"]
+ [
+ [
"do concurrent",
"error stop",
"sync all",
"sync images",
"sync memory",
_all_keywords = set(
+ _python_keywords
+ _matlab_keywords
+ _fortran_keywords
+ _julia_keywords,
def _get_potence(value):
import math
exponent = int(math.log10(value)) / 3 * 3
rest = _round2(float(value) / 10 ** exponent, 3)
if rest < 1:
exponent -= 3
rest *= 1e3
return rest, exponent
def _round2(x, n=0, sigs4n=1):
Return x rounded to the specified number of significant digits, n, as
counted from the first non-zero digit.
If n=0 (the default value for round2) then the magnitude of the
number will be returned (e.g. round2(12) returns 10.0).
If n<0 then x will be rounded to the nearest multiple of n which, by
default, will be rounded to 1 digit (e.g. round2(1.23,-.28) will round
1.23 to the nearest multiple of 0.3.
Regardless of n, if x=0, 0 will be returned.
import math
if x == 0:
return x
if n < 0:
n = _round2(-n, sigs4n)
return n * int(x / n + 0.5)
if n == 0:
return 10.0 ** (int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(x)))))
return round(x, int(n) - 1 - int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(x)))))
def _coeff_isneg(a):
"""Return True if the leading Number is negative.
>>> from sympy.core.function import _coeff_isneg
>>> from sympy import S, Symbol, oo, pi
>>> _coeff_isneg(-3*pi)
>>> _coeff_isneg(S(3))
>>> _coeff_isneg(-oo)
>>> _coeff_isneg(Symbol('n', negative=True)) # coeff is 1
if a.is_Mul:
a = a.args[0]
return a.is_Number and a.is_negative
_relational_map = {
"==": "Eq",
"!=": "Ne",
"<": "Lt",
"<=": "Le",
">": "Gt",
">=": "Ge",
_relational_map_matlab = {
"==": "==",
"!=": "~=",
"<": "<",
"<=": "<=",
">": ">",
">=": ">=",
def _print_Mul(self, expr):
prec = _precedence(expr)
if self.order not in ("old", "none"):
args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
# use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
args = sp.Mul.make_args(expr)
args = tuple(args)
if _coeff_isneg(expr):
# If negative and -1 is the first arg: remove it
if args[0].is_integer and int(args[0]) == 1:
args = args[1:]
args = (-args[0],) + args[1:]
sign = "-"
sign = ""
# If first argument is Mul we do not want to add a parentesize
if isinstance(args[0], sp.Mul):
prec -= 1
a = [] # items in the numerator
b = [] # items that are in the denominator (if any)
# Gather args for numerator/denominator
for item in args:
if (
and item.is_Pow
and item.exp.is_Rational
and item.exp.is_negative
if item.exp != -1:
b.append(sp.Pow(item.base, -item.exp, evaluate=False))
b.append(sp.Pow(item.base, -item.exp))
elif item.is_Rational and item is not sp.S.Infinity:
if item.p != 1:
if item.q != 1:
a = a or [sp.S.One]
a_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec) for x in a]
b_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec) for x in b]
if len(b) == 0:
return sign + "*".join(a_str)
elif len(b) == 1:
if len(a) == 1 and not (a[0].is_Atom or a[0].is_Add):
return sign + f"{a_str[0]}/" + "*".join(b_str)
return sign + "*".join(a_str) + f"/{b_str[0]}"
return sign + "*".join(a_str) + f"/({'*'.join(b_str)})"
# Patch sympy print Function
_old_print_Function = _StrPrinter._print_Function
def _print_Function(self, expr):
if isinstance(expr, _AppliedUndef):
return expr.func.__name__
return _old_print_Function(self, expr)
# _StrPrinter._print_Function = _print_Function
_unit_template = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z]+\*\*[\-0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+)")
[docs]def latex_unit(unit):
Return sympified and LaTeX-formatted string describing given unit.
>>> LatexCodeGenerator.format_unit("m/s**2")
_check_arg(unit, str)
if unit == "1":
return ""
atomic_units = []
for unit in re.findall(_unit_template, unit):
micro = False
exp = 0
# Check for usage of micro
if "u" == unit[0]:
unit = unit[1:]
micro = True
# Check for exponent
if "**" in unit:
unit, exp = unit.split("**")
# Wrap text in mathrm
unit = f"\\mathrm{{{unit}}}"
if exp:
unit += f"^{{{exp}}}"
if micro:
unit = "\\mu" + unit
return "\\,".join(atomic_units)
class _CustomPythonPrinter(_StrPrinter):
def __init__(self, namespace=""):
assert namespace in ["", "math", "np", "numpy", "ufl"]
self._namespace = namespace if not namespace else namespace + "."
_StrPrinter.__init__(self, settings=dict(order=_order))
def _print_Mod(self, expr):
return f"({expr.args[0]} % {expr.args[1]})"
# Why is this not called!
def _print_Log(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
return f"{self._namespace}ln({self._print(expr.base)})"
return f"{self._namespace}log({self._print(expr.base)})"
def _print_Abs(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "math.":
return f"{self._namespace}fabs({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
elif self._namespace == "ufl.":
return f"abs({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
return f"{self._namespace}abs({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
# def _print_One(self, expr):
# return "1.0"
# def _print_Zero(self, expr):
# return "0.0"
def _print_Float(self, expr):
# If not finite we use parent printer
if expr.is_zero:
return "0"
if not expr.is_finite:
return _StrPrinter._print_Float(self, expr)
return str(float(expr))
# def _print_Integer(self, expr):
# return str(expr.p) + ".0"
def _print_Derivative(self, expr):
if not isinstance(expr.args[1], (_AppliedUndef, sp.Symbol)):
"Can only print Derivative code with a single dependent "
"variabe. Got: {0}".format(sympycode(expr.args[1])),
if isinstance(expr.args[0], _AppliedUndef):
return "d%s_d%s" % (
"_".join(self._print(arg) for arg in expr.args[1:]),
return _StrPrinter._print_Derivative(self, expr)
def _print_Subs(self, expr):
# Execute subsitution
orig_expr = expr.expr
subs = dict((key, value) for key, value in zip(expr.variables, expr.point))
return self._print(orig_expr.xreplace(subs))
# def _print_NegativeOne(self, expr):
# return "-1.0"
def _print_Sqrt(self, expr):
return f"{self._namespace}sqrt({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
return "{0}({1}, {2})".format(
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
result = ""
num_par = 0
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]:
num_par += 1
result += f"Conditional({self._print(c)}, {self._print(e)}, "
last_line = self._print(expr.args[-1].expr) + ")" * num_par
return result + last_line
def _print_And(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
if len(expr.args) != 2:
error("UFL does not support more than 2 operands to And")
return f"ufl.And({self._print(expr.args[0])}, {self._print(expr.args[1])})"
return f"And({', '.join(self._print(arg) for arg in expr.args[::-1])})"
def _print_Or(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
if len(expr.args) != 2:
error("UFL does not support more than 2 operands to Or")
return f"ufl.Or({self._print(expr.args[0])}, {self._print(expr.args[1])})"
return f"Or({', '.join(self._print(arg) for arg in expr.args[::-1])})"
def _print_Pow(self, expr, rational=False):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) == 1:
return self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)
if expr.exp is sp.S.NegativeOne:
return f"1.0/{self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)}"
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) in [2, 3]:
return "({0})".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC) for i in range(int(expr.exp))
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) in [-2, -3]:
return "1.0/({0})".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC) for i in range(-int(expr.exp))
if expr.exp is sp.S.Half and not rational:
return f"{self._namespace}sqrt({self._print(expr.base)})"
if expr.exp == -0.5:
return f"1/{self._namespace}sqrt({self._print(expr.base)})"
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
return "{0}elem_pow({1}, {2})".format(
if self._namespace in ["np.", "numpy."]:
return "{0}power({1}, {2})".format(
return "{0}pow({1}, {2})".format(
_print_Function = _print_Function
_print_Mul = _print_Mul
class _CustomPythonCodePrinter(_CustomPythonPrinter):
def _print_sign(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
return f"{self._namespace}sign({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
elif self._namespace in ["math.", "numpy.", "np."]:
return f"{self._namespace}copysign(1.0, {self._print(expr.args[0])})"
return f"sign({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
def _print_Mod(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "math.":
return f"{self._namespace}fmod({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
return f"{self._namespace}mod({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Min(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
return f"ufl.{expr.func.__name__}({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
return f"{expr.func.__name__.lower()}({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Max(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
return f"ufl.{expr.func.__name__}({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
return f"{expr.func.__name__.lower()}({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Function(self, expr):
# print expr.func.__name__, expr.args
func_name = expr.func.__name__
if isinstance(expr, _AppliedUndef):
return func_name
elif func_name == "ceiling":
return f"{self._namespace}ceil({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
elif func_name == "log":
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
return f"{self._namespace}ln({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
return f"{self._namespace}log({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
return "{0}{1}".format(
func_name.lower() + "({0})".format(self.stringify(expr.args, ", ")),
def _print_re(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"({self._print(expr.args[0])}).real"
def _print_im(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"({self._print(expr.args[0])}).imag"
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
result = ""
num_par = 0
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]:
num_par += 1
result += f"ufl.conditional({self._print(c)}, {self._print(e)}, "
elif self._namespace in ("numpy.", "np."):
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]:
num_par += 1
result += self._namespace
result += f"where({self._print(c)}, {self._print(e)}, "
cond_str = "{0}"
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]:
num_par += 1
result += "({0} if {1} else ".format(
last_line = self._print(expr.args[-1].expr) + ")" * num_par
return result + last_line
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
return "ufl.{0}({1}, {2})".format(
return "{0} {1} {2}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.lhs, _precedence(expr)),
self.parenthesize(expr.rhs, _precedence(expr)),
def _print_Pi(self, expr=None):
return f"{self._namespace}pi"
def _print_And(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
if len(expr.args) != 2:
error("UFL does not support more than 2 operands to And")
return f"ufl.And({self._print(expr.args[0])}, {self._print(expr.args[1])})"
elif self._namespace in ("numpy.", "np."):
result = self._namespace
if len(expr.args) == 2:
result += "logical_and({0}, {1})".format(
result += "logical_and({0}, {1})".format(
return result
return " and ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
return "{0} and {1}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PREC),
self.parenthesize(expr.args[1], PREC),
def _print_Or(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
if self._namespace == "ufl.":
if len(expr.args) != 2:
error("UFL does not support more than 2 operands to Or")
return f"ufl.Or({self._print(expr.args[0])}, {self._print(expr.args[1])})"
elif self._namespace in ("numpy.", "np."):
result = self._namespace
if len(expr.args) == 2:
result += "logical_or({0}, {1})".format(
result += "logical_or({0}, {1})".format(
return result
return " or ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
return "{0} or {1}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PREC),
self.parenthesize(expr.args[1], PREC),
class _CustomCCodePrinter(_StrPrinter):
Overload some ccode generation
def __init__(self, cpp=False, float_precision="double", **settings):
super(_CustomCCodePrinter, self).__init__(settings=settings)
self._prefix = "std::" if cpp else ""
# for single precision we need to suffix float literals with "f"
# and we also need to suffix math library function calls with "f"
self._math_suffix = "" if float_precision == "double" else "f"
self._float_postfix = "" if float_precision == "double" else "f"
def _print_math_function(self, function_name, arguments_str):
# add the appropriate namespace and suffix for math functions
return f"{self._prefix}{function_name}{self._math_suffix}({arguments_str})"
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
return "{0} {1} {2}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.lhs, _precedence(expr)),
self.parenthesize(expr.rhs, _precedence(expr)),
return "{0}({1}, {2})".format(
def _print_Float(self, expr):
f_str = _StrPrinter._print_Float(self, expr)
return f_str + self._float_postfix
def _print_One(self, expr):
return "1." + self._float_postfix
def _print_Zero(self, expr):
return "0." + self._float_postfix
def _print_Integer(self, expr):
return f"{expr.p}.{self._float_postfix}"
def _print_NegativeOne(self, expr):
return "-1." + self._float_postfix
def _print_Rational(self, expr):
return "{0}.{2}/{1}.{2}".format(expr.p, expr.q, self._float_postfix)
def _print_Min(self, expr):
"fmin and fmax is not contained in std namespace untill -ansi g++ 4.7"
return self._print_math_function("fmin", self.stringify(expr.args, ", "))
def _print_Max(self, expr):
"fmin and fmax is not contained in std namespace untill -ansi g++ 4.7"
return self._print_math_function("fmax", self.stringify(expr.args, ", "))
def _print_Ceiling(self, expr):
return self._print_math_function("ceil", self.stringify(expr.args, ", "))
def _print_Abs(self, expr):
return self._print_math_function("fabs", self.stringify(expr.args, ", "))
def _print_Mod(self, expr):
return self._print_math_function("fmod", self.stringify(expr.args, ", "))
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
result = ""
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]:
result += f"({self._print(c)} ? {self._print(e)} : "
last_line = f"{self._print(expr.args[-1].expr)})"
return result + last_line
def _print_Add(self, expr):
args = expr.args
# Special treatment of (exp(a) - 1), where we should use expm1
if len(args) == 2:
a, b = args
if type(b) == sp.exp:
a, b = b, a
if type(a) is sp.exp and type(b) is sp.numbers.NegativeOne:
return self._print_math_function("expm1", self.stringify(a.args, ", "))
return super()._print_Add(expr)
def _print_Function(self, expr):
# print expr.func.__name__, expr.args
if isinstance(expr, _AppliedUndef):
return expr.func.__name__
# add special case for math functions
math_functions_with_float_variant = [
if expr.func.__name__.lower() in math_functions_with_float_variant:
return self._print_math_function(
self.stringify(expr.args, ", "),
return (
+ expr.func.__name__.lower()
+ f"({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Subs(self, expr):
# Execute subsitution
orig_expr = expr.expr
subs = dict((key, value) for key, value in zip(expr.variables, expr.point))
return self._print(orig_expr.xreplace(subs))
def _print_Derivative(self, expr):
if not isinstance(expr.args[1], (_AppliedUndef, sp.Symbol)):
"Can only print Derivative code with a single dependent "
"variabe. Got: {0}".format(sympycode(expr.args[1])),
if isinstance(expr.args[0], _AppliedUndef):
return "d%s_d%s" % (
"_".join(self._print(arg) for arg in expr.args[1:]),
return _StrPrinter._print_Derivative(self, expr)
def _print_Pow(self, expr, rational=False):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) == 1:
return self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)
if expr.exp is sp.S.NegativeOne:
return f"1.0{self._float_postfix}/{self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)}"
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) in [2, 3]:
return "({0})".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC) for i in range(int(expr.exp))
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) == 4:
# Use parentheses strategically to facilitate expression reuse
# pow(a, 4) = pow(a, 2) * pow(a, 2)
# pow(a, 2) = a * a
return "(({0})*({0}))".format(
"({0})*({0})".format(self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)),
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) in [-2, -3]:
return "1.0{1}/({0})".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC) for i in range(-int(expr.exp))
if expr.exp is sp.S.Half and not rational:
return self._print_math_function("sqrt", self._print(expr.base))
if expr.exp == -0.5:
return f"1/{self._print_math_function('sqrt', self._print(expr.base))}"
return self._print_math_function(
f"{self._print(expr.base)}, {self._print(expr.exp)}",
def _print_sign(self, expr):
return f"{self._prefix}copysign(1.0, {self._print(expr.args[0])})"
def _print_Pi(self, expr=None):
return "M_PI"
def _print_And(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return " && ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
def _print_Or(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return " || ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
def _print_re(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"{self._prefix}creal({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
def _print_im(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"{self._prefix}cimag({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
def _print_Symbol(self, expr):
if expr.name == "I":
return "I_"
return expr.name
_print_Mul = _print_Mul
class _CustomMatlabCodePrinter(_StrPrinter):
Overload some ccode generation
def __init__(self, **settings):
super(_CustomMatlabCodePrinter, self).__init__(settings=settings)
def _print_Float(self, expr):
# If not finite we use parent printer
if expr.is_zero:
return "0"
if not expr.is_finite:
return _StrPrinter._print_Float(self, expr)
return str(float(expr))
def _print_Min(self, expr):
return f"min({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Max(self, expr):
return f"max({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Ceiling(self, expr):
return f"ceil({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
result = ""
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]:
result += f"(({self._print(c)})*({self._print(e)}) + ~({self._print(c)})*"
last_line = f"({self._print(expr.args[-1].expr)}))"
return result + last_line
def _print_Function(self, expr):
# print expr.func.__name__, expr.args
if isinstance(expr, _AppliedUndef):
return expr.func.__name__
return f"{expr.func.__name__.lower()}({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Pow(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) == 1:
return self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)
if expr.exp is sp.S.NegativeOne:
return f"1.0/{self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)}"
if expr.exp == 0.5:
return f"sqrt({self._print(expr.base)})"
# FIXME: Fix paranthesises
return "{0}^{1}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC),
self.parenthesize(expr.exp, PREC),
def _print_And(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return " & ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
def _print_Not(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return "~" + self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PREC)
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
return "{0} {1} {2}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.lhs, _precedence(expr)),
self.parenthesize(expr.rhs, _precedence(expr)),
return "{0}({1}, {2})".format(
def _print_Or(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return " | ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
def _print_re(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"real({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
def _print_im(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"imag({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
_print_Mul = _print_Mul
class _CustomJuliaCodePrinter(_StrPrinter):
Overload some ccode generation
def __init__(self, **settings):
super(_CustomJuliaCodePrinter, self).__init__(settings=settings)
def _print_Float(self, expr):
# If not finite we use parent printer
if expr.is_zero:
return "0"
if not expr.is_finite:
return _StrPrinter._print_Float(self, expr)
return str(float(expr))
def _print_Min(self, expr):
return f"min({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Max(self, expr):
return f"max({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Ceiling(self, expr):
return f"ceil({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
result = ""
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]:
result += f"({self._print(c)} ? {self._print(e)} : "
last_line = f"{self._print(expr.args[-1].expr)})"
return result + last_line
def _print_Function(self, expr):
# print expr.func.__name__, expr.args
if isinstance(expr, _AppliedUndef):
return expr.func.__name__
return f"{expr.func.__name__.lower()}({self.stringify(expr.args, ', ')})"
def _print_Pow(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
if expr.exp.is_integer and int(expr.exp) == 1:
return self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)
if expr.exp is sp.S.NegativeOne:
return f"1.0/{self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC)}"
if expr.exp == 0.5:
return f"sqrt({self._print(expr.base)})"
# FIXME: Fix paranthesises
return "{0}^{1}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC),
self.parenthesize(expr.exp, PREC),
def _print_And(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return " && ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
def _print_Not(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return "!" + self.parenthesize(expr.args[0], PREC)
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
return "{0} {1} {2}".format(
self.parenthesize(expr.lhs, _precedence(expr)),
self.parenthesize(expr.rhs, _precedence(expr)),
return "{0}({1}, {2})".format(
def _print_Or(self, expr):
PREC = _precedence(expr)
return " || ".join(self.parenthesize(arg, PREC) for arg in expr.args[::-1])
def _print_re(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"real({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
def _print_im(self, expr):
assert len(expr.args) == 1
return f"imag({self._print(expr.args[0])})"
_print_Mul = _print_Mul
class _CustomLatexPrinter(_LatexPrinter):
def _number_to_latex(value):
if value < 0:
sign = "-"
value = -value
sign = ""
if abs(value) < 1e-32:
rest, exponent = 0.0, 0
rest, exponent = _get_potence(value)
# If formating 0.322
if exponent == -3 and int(rest) / 100 > 0:
exponent = 0
rest = float(rest) / 1000
# Format rest
if rest >= 100:
form = "%d"
rest = int(rest)
elif rest >= 10:
if rest % 1 > 0:
form = "%.1f"
form = "%d"
rest = int(rest)
if rest % 1 > 0:
if (rest * 10) % 1 > 0:
form = "%.2f"
form = "%.1f"
form = "%d"
rest = int(rest)
if exponent == 0:
return sign + form % rest
return r"%s\!\times\!10 ^{%d}" % (sign + form % rest, exponent)
def _needs_brackets(self, expr):
Returns True if the expression needs to be wrapped in brackets when
printed, False otherwise. For example: a + b => True; a => False;
10 => False; -10 => True.
return not (
(expr.is_Integer and expr.is_nonnegative)
or (expr.is_Atom and expr is not sp.S.NegativeOne)
or (isinstance(expr, _AppliedUndef) and expr is not sp.S.NegativeOne)
def _print_Integer(self, expr):
return self._print_Float(expr.evalf())
def _print_Float(self, expr):
# If not finite we use parent printer
if expr.is_zero:
return "0"
if not expr.is_finite:
return _LatexPrinter._print_Float(self, expr)
return self._number_to_latex(expr.evalf())
def _print_Function(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(expr, _AppliedUndef):
return self._print_Symbol(sp.Symbol(expr.func.__name__))
return expr.func.__name__
return _LatexPrinter._print_Function(self, expr, *args, **kwargs)
def _print_Add(self, expr):
terms = list(expr.args)
tex = self._print(terms[0])
for term in terms[1:]:
out = self._print(term)
if out and out[0] != "-":
tex += " +"
tex += " " + out
return tex
def _print_Mul(self, expr):
coeff, _ = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
if self.order not in ("old", "none"):
args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
# use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
args = sp.Mul.make_args(expr)
args = tuple(args)
if _coeff_isneg(expr):
# If negative and -1 is the first arg: remove it
if args[0].is_integer and int(args[0]) == 1:
args = args[1:]
args = (-args[0],) + args[1:]
tex = "- "
tex = ""
expr = sp.Mul(*args)
from .sympy.simplify import fraction
numer, denom = fraction(expr, exact=True)
separator = self._settings["mul_symbol_latex"]
numbersep = self._settings["mul_symbol_latex_numbers"]
def convert(expr):
# if expr is 1/1
if (
and expr.exp.is_Rational
and expr.exp.is_negative
and expr.base is sp.S.One
expr = sp.S.One
if not expr.is_Mul:
return str(self._print(expr))
_tex = last_term_tex = ""
if self.order not in ("old", "none"):
args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
args = expr.args
for i, term in enumerate(args):
term_tex = self._print(term)
if self._needs_mul_brackets(term, last=(i == len(args) - 1)):
term_tex = r"\left(%s\right)" % term_tex
if re.search("[0-9][} ]*$", last_term_tex) and re.match(
"[{ ]*[-+0-9]",
# between two numbers
_tex += numbersep
elif _tex:
_tex += separator
_tex += term_tex
last_term_tex = term_tex
return _tex
if denom is sp.S.One:
tex += convert(numer)
snumer = convert(numer)
sdenom = convert(denom)
ldenom = len(sdenom.split())
ratio = self._settings["long_frac_ratio"]
if self._settings["fold_short_frac"] and ldenom <= 2 and "^" not in sdenom:
# handle short fractions
if self._needs_mul_brackets(numer, last=False):
tex += r"\left(%s\right) / %s" % (snumer, sdenom)
tex += r"%s / %s" % (snumer, sdenom)
elif len(snumer.split()) > ratio * ldenom:
# handle long fractions
if self._needs_mul_brackets(numer, last=True):
tex += r"\frac{1}{%s}%s\left(%s\right)" % (
elif numer.is_Mul:
# split a long numerator
a = sp.S.One
b = sp.S.One
for x in numer.args:
if (
self._needs_mul_brackets(x, last=False)
or len(convert(a * x).split()) > ratio * ldenom
or (b.is_commutative is x.is_commutative is False)
b *= x
a *= x
if self._needs_mul_brackets(b, last=True):
tex += r"\frac{%s}{%s}%s\left(%s\right)" % (
tex += r"\frac{%s}{%s}%s%s" % (
tex += r"\frac{1}{%s}%s%s" % (sdenom, separator, snumer)
tex += r"\frac{%s}{%s}" % (snumer, sdenom)
return tex
def _print_Pow(self, expr):
# Treat x**Rational(1,n) as special case
if expr.exp.is_Rational and abs(expr.exp.p) == 1 and expr.exp.q != 1:
base = self._print(expr.base)
expq = expr.exp.q
if expq == 2:
tex = r"\sqrt{%s}" % base
elif self._settings["itex"]:
tex = r"\root{%d}{%s}" % (expq, base)
tex = r"\sqrt[%d]{%s}" % (expq, base)
if expr.exp.is_negative:
return r"\frac{1}{%s}" % tex
return tex
elif (
and expr.exp.is_Rational
and expr.exp.q != 1
base, p, q = self._print(expr.base), expr.exp.p, expr.exp.q
if expr.base.is_Function:
return self._print(expr.base, f"{p}/{q}")
if self._needs_brackets(expr.base):
return r"\left(%s\right)^{%s/%s}" % (base, p, q)
return r"%s^{%s/%s}" % (base, p, q)
elif expr.exp.is_Rational and expr.exp.is_negative and expr.base.is_commutative:
# Things like 1/x
return self._print_Mul(expr)
if expr.base.is_Function and not isinstance(expr.base, _AppliedUndef):
return self._print(expr.base, self._print(expr.exp))
if expr.is_commutative and expr.exp == -1:
# solves issue 1030
# As Mul always simplify 1/x to x**-1
# The objective is achieved with this hack
# first we get the latex for -1 * expr,
# which is a Mul expression
tex = self._print(sp.S.NegativeOne * expr).strip()
# the result comes with a minus and a space, so we remove
if tex[:1] == "-":
return tex[1:].strip()
if self._needs_brackets(expr.base):
tex = r"\left(%s\right)^{%s}"
tex = r"%s^{%s}"
return tex % (self._print(expr.base), self._print(expr.exp))
# Different math namespace python printer
_python_code_printer = {
"": _CustomPythonCodePrinter(
"np": _CustomPythonCodePrinter("np"),
"numpy": _CustomPythonCodePrinter("numpy"),
"math": _CustomPythonCodePrinter("math"),
"ufl": _CustomPythonCodePrinter("ufl"),
# FIXME: What on earth is ordered used for?!?
_ccode_printer = _CustomCCodePrinter(order=_order)
_cppcode_printer = _CustomCCodePrinter(cpp=True, order=_order)
_ccode_float_printer = _CustomCCodePrinter(float_precision="single", order=_order)
_cppcode_float_printer = _CustomCCodePrinter(
_sympy_printer = _CustomPythonPrinter()
_matlab_printer = _CustomMatlabCodePrinter(order=_order)
_julia_printer = _CustomJuliaCodePrinter(order=_order)
[docs]def ccode(expr, assign_to=None, float_precision="double"):
Return a C-code representation of a sympy expression
if float_precision == "double":
ret = _ccode_printer.doprint(expr)
ret = _ccode_float_printer.doprint(expr)
if assign_to is None:
return ret
if assign_to == "I":
assign_to = "I_"
return f"{assign_to} = {ret}"
[docs]def cppcode(expr, assign_to=None, float_precision="double"):
Return a C++-code representation of a sympy expression
if float_precision == "double":
ret = _cppcode_printer.doprint(expr)
ret = _cppcode_float_printer.doprint(expr)
if assign_to is None:
return ret
return f"{assign_to} = {ret}"
[docs]def pythoncode(expr, assign_to=None, namespace="math"):
Return a Python-code representation of a sympy expression
ret = _python_code_printer[namespace].doprint(expr)
if assign_to is None:
return ret
return f"{assign_to} = {ret}"
[docs]def sympycode(expr, assign_to=None):
ret = _sympy_printer.doprint(expr)
if assign_to is None:
return ret
return f"{assign_to} = {ret}"
[docs]def matlabcode(expr, assign_to=None):
ret = _matlab_printer.doprint(expr)
if assign_to is None:
return ret
return f"{assign_to} = {ret}"
[docs]def juliacode(expr, assign_to=None):
ret = _julia_printer.doprint(expr)
if assign_to is None:
return ret
return f"{assign_to} = {ret}"
[docs]def latex(expr, **settings):
settings["order"] = "none"
if isinstance(expr, str):
if expr in sp.__dict__:
return expr
expr = sp.sympify(expr)
elif isinstance(expr, _scalars):
expr = sp.sympify(expr)
return _CustomLatexPrinter(settings).doprint(expr)
latex.__doc__ = _sympy_latex.__doc__
octavecode = matlabcode
__all__ = [_name for _name in list(globals().keys()) if _name[0] != "_"]