Source code for modelparameters.sympy.holonomic.linearsolver
""" Linear Solver for Holonomic Functions"""
from __future__ import print_function, division
from ..matrices.dense import MutableDenseMatrix
from ..utilities.iterables import flatten, numbered_symbols
from ..core.symbol import Symbol, Dummy, symbols
from .. import S
[docs]class NewMatrix(MutableDenseMatrix):
Supports elements which can't be Sympified.
See docstrings in sympy/matrices/
def _sympify(a):
return a
[docs] def row_join(self, rhs):
from ..matrices import MutableMatrix
# Allows you to build a matrix even if it is null matrix
if not self:
return type(self)(rhs)
if self.rows != rhs.rows:
raise ShapeError(
"`self` and `rhs` must have the same number of rows.")
newmat = NewMatrix.zeros(self.rows, self.cols + rhs.cols)
newmat[:, :self.cols] = self
newmat[:, self.cols:] = rhs
return type(self)(newmat)
[docs] def col_join(self, bott):
from ..matrices import MutableMatrix
# Allows you to build a matrix even if it is null matrix
if not self:
return type(self)(bott)
if self.cols != bott.cols:
raise ShapeError(
"`self` and `bott` must have the same number of columns.")
newmat = NewMatrix.zeros(self.rows + bott.rows, self.cols)
newmat[:self.rows, :] = self
newmat[self.rows:, :] = bott
return type(self)(newmat)
[docs] def gauss_jordan_solve(self, b, freevar=False):
from ..matrices import Matrix, zeros
aug = self.hstack(self.copy(), b.copy())
row, col = aug[:, :-1].shape
# solve by reduced row echelon form
A, pivots = aug.rref()
A, v = A[:, :-1], A[:, -1]
pivots = list(filter(lambda p: p < col, pivots))
rank = len(pivots)
# Bring to block form
permutation = Matrix(range(col)).T
A = A.vstack(A, permutation)
for i, c in enumerate(pivots):
A.col_swap(i, c)
A, permutation = A[:-1, :], A[-1, :]
# check for existence of solutions
# rank of aug Matrix should be equal to rank of coefficient matrix
if not v[rank:, 0].is_zero:
raise ValueError("Linear system has no solution")
# Get index of free symbols (free parameters)
free_var_index = permutation[len(pivots):] # non-pivots columns are free variables
# Free parameters
tau = NewMatrix([S(1) for k in range(col - rank)]).reshape(col - rank, 1)
# Full parametric solution
V = A[:rank, rank:]
vt = v[:rank, 0]
free_sol = tau.vstack(vt - V*tau, tau)
# Undo permutation
sol = NewMatrix.zeros(col, 1)
for k, v in enumerate(free_sol):
sol[permutation[k], 0] = v
if freevar:
return sol, tau, free_var_index
return sol, tau