Source code for modelparameters.sympy.printing.python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
import keyword as kw
from ... import sympy
from .repr import ReprPrinter
from .str import StrPrinter
# A list of classes that should be printed using StrPrinter
STRPRINT = ("Add", "Infinity", "Integer", "Mul", "NegativeInfinity", "Pow", "Zero")
[docs]class PythonPrinter(ReprPrinter, StrPrinter):
"""A printer which converts an expression into its Python interpretation."""
def __init__(self, settings=None):
StrPrinter.__init__(self, settings)
self.symbols = []
self.functions = []
# Create print methods for classes that should use StrPrinter instead
# of ReprPrinter.
for name in STRPRINT:
f_name = "_print_%s" % name
f = getattr(StrPrinter, f_name)
setattr(PythonPrinter, f_name, f)
def _print_Function(self, expr):
func = expr.func.__name__
if not hasattr(sympy, func) and not func in self.functions:
return StrPrinter._print_Function(self, expr)
# procedure (!) for defining symbols which have be defined in print_python()
def _print_Symbol(self, expr):
symbol = self._str(expr)
if symbol not in self.symbols:
return StrPrinter._print_Symbol(self, expr)
def _print_module(self, expr):
raise ValueError("Modules in the expression are unacceptable")
[docs]def python(expr, **settings):
"""Return Python interpretation of passed expression
(can be passed to the exec() function without any modifications)"""
printer = PythonPrinter(settings)
exprp = printer.doprint(expr)
result = ""
# Returning found symbols and functions
renamings = {}
for symbolname in printer.symbols:
newsymbolname = symbolname
# Escape symbol names that are reserved python keywords
if kw.iskeyword(newsymbolname):
while True:
newsymbolname += "_"
if (
newsymbolname not in printer.symbols
and newsymbolname not in printer.functions
renamings[sympy.Symbol(symbolname)] = sympy.Symbol(newsymbolname)
result += newsymbolname + " = Symbol('" + symbolname + "')\n"
for functionname in printer.functions:
newfunctionname = functionname
# Escape function names that are reserved python keywords
if kw.iskeyword(newfunctionname):
while True:
newfunctionname += "_"
if (
newfunctionname not in printer.symbols
and newfunctionname not in printer.functions
renamings[sympy.Function(functionname)] = sympy.Function(
result += newfunctionname + " = Function('" + functionname + "')\n"
if not len(renamings) == 0:
exprp = expr.subs(renamings)
result += "e = " + printer._str(exprp)
return result
[docs]def print_python(expr, **settings):
"""Print output of python() function"""
print(python(expr, **settings))