modelparameters.sympy.strategies package



modelparameters.sympy.strategies.core module

Generic SymPy-Independent Strategies


Compose a sequence of rules so that they apply to the expr sequentially

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.core.condition(cond, rule)[source]

Only apply rule if condition is true

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.core.debug(rule, file=None)[source]

Print out before and after expressions each time rule is used


Try each of the rules until one works. Then stop.


Apply a rule repeatedly until it has no effect


Memoized version of a rule

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.core.minimize(*rules, **kwargs)[source]

Select result of rules that minimizes objective

>>> from ..strategies import minimize
>>> inc = lambda x: x + 1
>>> dec = lambda x: x - 1
>>> rl = minimize(inc, dec)
>>> rl(4)
>>> rl = minimize(inc, dec, objective=lambda x: -x)  # maximize
>>> rl(4)

Return original expr if rule returns None

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.core.switch(key, ruledict)[source]

Select a rule based on the result of key called on the function


Return original expr if rule raises exception

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.rl module

Generic Rules for SymPy

This file assumes knowledge of Basic and little else.

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.rl.distribute(A, B)[source]

Turns an A containing Bs into a B of As

where A, B are container types

>>> from ..strategies import distribute
>>> from .. import Add, Mul, symbols
>>> x, y = symbols('x,y')
>>> dist = distribute(Mul, Add)
>>> expr = Mul(2, x+y, evaluate=False)
>>> expr
2*(x + y)
>>> dist(expr)
2*x + 2*y
modelparameters.sympy.strategies.rl.flatten(expr, new=<function Basic.__new__>)[source]

Flatten T(a, b, T(c, d), T2(e)) to T(a, b, c, d, T2(e))

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.rl.glom(key, count, combine)[source]

Create a rule to conglomerate identical args

>>> from ..strategies import glom
>>> from .. import Add
>>> from import x
>>> key     = lambda x: x.as_coeff_Mul()[1]
>>> count   = lambda x: x.as_coeff_Mul()[0]
>>> combine = lambda cnt, arg: cnt * arg
>>> rl = glom(key, count, combine)
>>> rl(Add(x, -x, 3*x, 2, 3, evaluate=False))
3*x + 5

Wait, how are key, count and combine supposed to work?

>>> key(2*x)
>>> count(2*x)
>>> combine(2, x)

Rebuild a SymPy tree

This function recursively calls constructors in the expression tree. This forces canonicalization and removes ugliness introduced by the use of Basic.__new__

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.rl.rm_id(isid, new=<function Basic.__new__>)[source]

Create a rule to remove identities

isid - fn :: x -> Bool — whether or not this element is an identity

>>> from ..strategies import rm_id
>>> from .. import Basic
>>> remove_zeros = rm_id(lambda x: x==0)
>>> remove_zeros(Basic(1, 0, 2))
Basic(1, 2)
>>> remove_zeros(Basic(0, 0)) # If only identites then we keep one

See also


modelparameters.sympy.strategies.rl.sort(key, new=<function Basic.__new__>)[source]

Create a rule to sort by a key function

>>> from ..strategies import sort
>>> from .. import Basic
>>> sort_rl = sort(str)
>>> sort_rl(Basic(3, 1, 2))
Basic(1, 2, 3)
modelparameters.sympy.strategies.rl.subs(a, b)[source]

Replace expressions exactly


Rule to unpack singleton args

>>> from ..strategies import unpack
>>> from .. import Basic
>>> unpack(Basic(2))
2 module*rules, **kwargs)[source]

Strategy for canonicalization

Apply each rule in a bottom_up fashion through the tree. Do each one in turn. Keep doing this until there is no change., **kwargs)[source]

Full simultaneous exact substitution


>>> from .tools import subs
>>> from .. import Basic
>>> mapping = {1: 4, 4: 1, Basic(5): Basic(6, 7)}
>>> expr = Basic(1, Basic(2, 3), Basic(4, Basic(5)))
>>> subs(mapping)(expr)
Basic(4, Basic(2, 3), Basic(1, Basic(6, 7)))[source]

Apply rules based on the expression type


ruletypes – a dict mapping {Type: rule}

>>> from ..strategies import rm_id, typed
>>> from .. import Add, Mul
>>> rm_zeros = rm_id(lambda x: x==0)
>>> rm_ones  = rm_id(lambda x: x==1)
>>> remove_idents = typed({Add: rm_zeros, Mul: rm_ones})

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.traverse module

Strategies to Traverse a Tree.

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.traverse.bottom_up(rule, fns={'children': <function <lambda>>, 'leaf': <function <lambda>>, 'new': <function Basic.__new__>, 'op': <class 'type'>})[source]

Apply a rule down a tree running it on the bottom nodes first.

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.traverse.bottom_up_once(rule, fns={'children': <function <lambda>>, 'leaf': <function <lambda>>, 'new': <function Basic.__new__>, 'op': <class 'type'>})[source]

Apply a rule up a tree - stop on success.

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.traverse.sall(rule, fns={'children': <function <lambda>>, 'leaf': <function <lambda>>, 'new': <function Basic.__new__>, 'op': <class 'type'>})[source]

Strategic all - apply rule to args.

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.traverse.top_down(rule, fns={'children': <function <lambda>>, 'leaf': <function <lambda>>, 'new': <function Basic.__new__>, 'op': <class 'type'>})[source]

Apply a rule down a tree running it on the top nodes first.

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.traverse.top_down_once(rule, fns={'children': <function <lambda>>, 'leaf': <function <lambda>>, 'new': <function Basic.__new__>, 'op': <class 'type'>})[source]

Apply a rule down a tree - stop on success.

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.tree module

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.tree.allresults(tree, leaf=<function yieldify>)[source]

Execute a strategic tree. Return all possibilities.

Returns a lazy iterator of all possible results


This is an exhaustive algorithm. In the example

([a, b], [c, d])

All of the results from

(a, c), (b, c), (a, d), (b, d)

are returned. This can lead to combinatorial blowup.

See sympy.strategies.greedy for details on input

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.tree.brute(tree, objective=<function <lambda>>, **kwargs)[source]
modelparameters.sympy.strategies.tree.greedy(tree, objective=<function <lambda>>, **kwargs)[source]

Execute a strategic tree. Select alternatives greedily


Nodes in a tree can be either

function - a leaf list - a selection among operations tuple - a sequence of chained operations

Textual examples

Text: Run f, then run g, e.g. lambda x: g(f(x)) Code: (f, g)

Text: Run either f or g, whichever minimizes the objective Code: [f, g]

Textx: Run either f or g, whichever is better, then run h Code: ([f, g], h)

Text: Either expand then simplify or try factor then foosimp. Finally print Code: ([(expand, simplify), (factor, foosimp)], print)


“Better” is determined by the objective keyword. This function makes choices to minimize the objective. It defaults to the identity.


>>> from .tree import greedy
>>> inc    = lambda x: x + 1
>>> dec    = lambda x: x - 1
>>> double = lambda x: 2*x
>>> tree = [inc, (dec, double)] # either inc or dec-then-double
>>> fn = greedy(tree)
>>> fn(4)  # lowest value comes from the inc
>>> fn(1)  # lowest value comes from dec then double

This function selects between options in a tuple. The result is chosen that minimizes the objective function.

>>> fn = greedy(tree, objective=lambda x: -x)  # maximize
>>> fn(4)  # highest value comes from the dec then double
>>> fn(1)  # highest value comes from the inc


This is a greedy algorithm. In the example:

([a, b], c) # do either a or b, then do c

the choice between running a or b is made without foresight to c

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.tree.treeapply(tree, join, leaf=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Apply functions onto recursive containers (tree)

join - a dictionary mapping container types to functions

e.g. {list: minimize, tuple: chain}

Keys are containers/iterables. Values are functions [a] -> a.


>>> from .tree import treeapply
>>> tree = [(3, 2), (4, 1)]
>>> treeapply(tree, {list: max, tuple: min})
>>> add = lambda *args: sum(args)
>>> def mul(*args):
...     total = 1
...     for arg in args:
...         total *= arg
...     return total
>>> treeapply(tree, {list: mul, tuple: add})

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.util module

modelparameters.sympy.strategies.util.assoc(d, k, v)[source]

Module contents

Rewrite Rules

DISCLAIMER: This module is experimental. The interface is subject to change.

A rule is a function that transforms one expression into another

Rule :: Expr -> Expr

A strategy is a function that says how a rule should be applied to a syntax tree. In general strategies take rules and produce a new rule

Strategy :: [Rules], Other-stuff -> Rule

This allows developers to separate a mathematical transformation from the algorithmic details of applying that transformation. The goal is to separate the work of mathematical programming from algorithmic programming.


strategies.rl - some fundamental rules strategies.core - generic non-SymPy specific strategies strategies.traverse - strategies that traverse a SymPy tree - some conglomerate strategies that do depend on SymPy