Source code for mps.scripts.phase_plot

Make a phase plot with voltage on the x-axis
and calcium on the y-axis."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import ap_features as apf

from .. import analysis
from ..load import MPS
from ..plotter import phase_plots

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def main(voltage: str, calcium: str, outfile: Optional[str] = None): logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) calcium_path = Path(calcium) voltage_path = Path(voltage) if not calcium_path.is_file(): raise IOError(f"Invald path for calcium file: {calcium}") if not voltage_path.is_file(): raise IOError(f"Invald path for voltage file: {voltage}") if outfile is None: outpath = voltage_path.parent.joinpath( f"{voltage_path.stem}_{calcium_path.stem}", ) else: outpath = Path(outfile) f"Create phase plot of voltage at {voltage_path} and calcium at {calcium_path}.", ) outpath.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) voltage_file = MPS(voltage_path) calcium_file = MPS(calcium_path) voltage_data = analysis.analyze_mps_func(voltage_file, plot=False) calcium_data = analysis.analyze_mps_func(calcium_file, plot=False) voltage_trace = voltage_data["chopped_data"]["trace_1std"] calcium_trace = calcium_data["chopped_data"]["trace_1std"] phase_plots( apf.utils.normalize_signal(voltage_trace), apf.utils.normalize_signal(calcium_trace), outpath, )"Saved to {outpath}")