Source code for cardiac_geometries.geometry

import json
import logging
import warnings
from enum import auto
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import dolfin

    from ufl_legacy import FiniteElement  # noqa: F401
    from ufl_legacy import tetrahedron  # noqa: F401
    from ufl_legacy import Cell  # noqa: F401
    from ufl_legacy import VectorElement  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
    from ufl import FiniteElement  # noqa: F401
    from ufl import tetrahedron  # noqa: F401
    from ufl import Cell  # noqa: F401
    from ufl import VectorElement  # noqa: F401

from .viz import dict_to_h5
from .viz import h5_to_dict
from .viz import h5pyfile

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MeshTypes(Enum): slab = auto() lv_ellipsoid = auto() biv_ellipsoid = auto()
[docs] class H5Paths(str, Enum): mesh = "/mesh" cfun = "/meshfunctions/cfun" ffun = "/meshfunctions/ffun" efun = "/meshfunctions/efun" vfun = "/meshfunctions/vfun" f0 = "/microstructure/f0" s0 = "/microstructure/s0" n0 = "/microstructure/n0" markers = "/markers" info = "/info"
[docs] class FileNames(str, Enum): mesh = "mesh.xdmf" cfun = "tetra_mesh.xdmf:name_to_read" ffun = "triangle_mesh.xdmf:name_to_read" efun = "line_mesh.xdmf:name_to_read" vfun = "vertex_mesh.xdmf:name_to_read" f0 = "microstructure.h5:f0" s0 = "microstructure.h5:s0" n0 = "microstructure.h5:n0" markers = "markers.json" info = "info.json"
[docs] class Microstructure(NamedTuple): f0: dolfin.Function s0: dolfin.Function n0: dolfin.Function
def load_microstructure(mesh, microstructure_path) -> Microstructure: # Get signature with h5pyfile(microstructure_path, comm=mesh.mpi_comm()) as h5file: signature = h5file["f0"].attrs["signature"].decode() sig = eval(signature) sig._quad_scheme = "default" V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, sig) f0 = dolfin.Function(V) s0 = dolfin.Function(V) n0 = dolfin.Function(V) with dolfin.HDF5File( mesh.mpi_comm(), microstructure_path.as_posix(), "r", ) as h5file:, "f0"), "s0"), "n0") return Microstructure(f0=f0, s0=s0, n0=n0) def read_signature(fname, group): try: with h5pyfile(fname) as h5file: signature = h5file[group].attrs["signature"].decode() except Exception: return None return signature
[docs] class H5Path(NamedTuple): h5group: str = "" fname: str = "" mesh_key: str = "" is_dolfin: bool = True is_mesh: bool = False is_meshfunction: bool = False is_function: bool = False dim: int = -1 def to_dict(self): return self._asdict()
def find_schema_in_folder(folder: Path) -> Optional[Dict[str, H5Path]]: # First look for a schema file for f in folder.iterdir(): if f.suffix == ".json": try: schema = load_schema(f) except Exception: pass else: return schema return None def load_schema(path: Path) -> Optional[Dict[str, H5Path]]: if not path.is_file(): return None data = json.loads(Path(path).read_text()) # Remove invalid keys def filter_values(d: Dict[str, Any]): return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in H5Path._fields} return {k: H5Path(**filter_values(v)) for k, v in data.items()} def extract_mesh_keys(d: Dict[str, H5Path]) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]: required_mesh_keys = [] for name, p in d.items(): if p.is_mesh: continue if not p.is_dolfin: continue required_mesh_keys.append((name, p.mesh_key)) return list(required_mesh_keys) def read_xdmf(fname, obj, group=None): try: with dolfin.XDMFFile(Path(fname).as_posix()) as f: if group is None: else:, group) except RuntimeError as e: msg = f"Unable to read {fname} and for group {group}. Got:\n" + e.args[0] warnings.warn(msg, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=3) def read_h5(fname, comm, obj, group=None): try: with dolfin.HDF5File(comm, Path(fname).as_posix(), "r") as f: if group is None: else:, group) except RuntimeError as e: msg = f"Unable to read {fname} and for group {group}. Got:\n" + e.args[0] warnings.warn(msg, category=UserWarning, stacklevel=3) def read( fname: Path, obj: Any, group: Optional[str], current_mesh: dolfin.Mesh, ) -> None: if fname.suffix == ".xdmf": read_xdmf(fname, obj, group) elif fname.suffix == ".h5": read_h5(fname, current_mesh.mpi_comm(), obj, group) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown file format for {fname}") def extract_fname_group( fname: str, folder: Union[Path, str] = ".", ) -> Tuple[Path, Optional[str]]: fg = fname.split(":") if len(fg) == 1: return Path(folder) / fg[0], None if len(fg) > 2: print(f"Warning: Invalid fname {fname}") return Path(folder) / fg[0], fg[1] def dump_schema(path: Union[Path, str], schema: Dict[str, H5Path], comm=None) -> None: data = {k: v._asdict() for k, v in schema.items()} logger.debug(f"Dump {data} to {path}") if comm is None: comm = dolfin.MPI.comm_world if comm.rank == 0: Path(path).write_text( json.dumps(data, indent=2), ) def global_check_condition(cond, comm): global_cond = False if comm.rank == 0: global_cond = cond global_cond = comm.bcast(global_cond, root=0) return global_cond def populate_data(schema, groups, comm, path, data, signatures): required_mesh_keys = extract_mesh_keys(schema) for name, mesh_key in required_mesh_keys: if not groups.get(mesh_key, False): msg = f"Missing mesh key '{mesh_key}' for key {name} in {path}" raise RuntimeError(msg) with dolfin.HDF5File(comm, path.as_posix(), "r") as h5file: # Meshes for name, p in schema.items(): if p.is_mesh and groups.get(name, False): data[name] = dolfin.Mesh(comm)[name], p.h5group, True) for name, p in schema.items(): if p.is_meshfunction and groups.get(name, False): current_mesh = data[p.mesh_key] data[name] = dolfin.MeshFunction("size_t", current_mesh, p.dim) continue if p.is_function and groups.get(name, False): current_mesh = data[p.mesh_key] signature = signatures.get(name) if signature is None: continue sig = eval(signature) sig._quad_scheme = "default" V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(current_mesh, sig) data[name] = dolfin.Function(V) continue dolfin.MPI.barrier(comm) with dolfin.HDF5File(comm, path.as_posix(), "r") as h5file: # Meshfunctions for name, p in schema.items(): if p.is_meshfunction and groups.get(name, False):[name], p.h5group) data[name].array()[data[name].array() == 2**64 - 1] = 0 continue if p.is_function and groups.get(name, False):[name], p.h5group) continue class Geometry: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._fields = ["schema"] schema = kwargs.pop("schema") if schema is None: schema = type(self).default_schema() self.schema = {} missing_schema_entries = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): s = schema.get(k) if s is None: missing_schema_entries.append(k) continue self._fields.append(k) setattr(self, k, v) self.schema[k] = s self.schema = dolfin.MPI.comm_world.bcast(self.schema, root=0) missing_schema_entries = dolfin.MPI.comm_world.bcast( missing_schema_entries, root=0, ) self._fields = dolfin.MPI.comm_world.bcast(self._fields, root=0) if len(missing_schema_entries) > 0: msg = ( f"Missing schema entry for keys {missing_schema_entries!r}. " "Objects will not be set as geometry attributes" ) warnings.warn(UserWarning(msg), stacklevel=2) def __repr__(self) -> str: fields = ", ".join(self._fields) return f"{type(self).__name__}({fields})" @property def comm(self): if hasattr(self, "mesh") and hasattr(self.mesh, "mpi_comm"): return self.mesh.mpi_comm() return dolfin.MPI.comm_world @staticmethod def default_schema() -> Dict[str, H5Path]: return { "mesh": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.mesh.value, is_mesh=True, fname=FileNames.mesh.value, ), "cfun": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.cfun.value, is_meshfunction=True, dim=3, mesh_key="mesh", fname=FileNames.cfun.value, ), "ffun": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.ffun.value, is_meshfunction=True, dim=2, mesh_key="mesh", fname=FileNames.ffun.value, ), "efun": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.efun.value, is_meshfunction=True, dim=1, mesh_key="mesh", fname=FileNames.efun.value, ), "vfun": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.vfun.value, is_meshfunction=True, dim=0, mesh_key="mesh", fname=FileNames.vfun.value, ), "f0": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.f0.value, is_function=True, mesh_key="mesh", fname=FileNames.f0.value, ), "s0": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.s0.value, is_function=True, mesh_key="mesh", fname=FileNames.s0.value, ), "n0": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.n0.value, is_function=True, mesh_key="mesh", fname=FileNames.n0.value, ), "info": H5Path(, is_dolfin=False,, ), "markers": H5Path( h5group=H5Paths.markers.value, is_dolfin=False, fname=FileNames.markers.value, ), } def save( self, fname: Union[str, Path], schema_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, unlink: bool = True, ) -> None: path = Path(fname).with_suffix(".h5") logger.debug(f"Save geometry to {path}") dolfin.MPI.barrier(self.comm) file_exist = global_check_condition(path.is_file(), self.comm) file_mode = "w" if file_exist: if unlink: if self.comm.rank == 0: path.unlink() else: file_mode = "a" logger.debug(f"File already exists: {file_exist}. File mode {file_mode}") dolfin.MPI.barrier(self.comm) logger.debug("Save dolfin object") with dolfin.HDF5File( self.comm, path.as_posix(), file_mode, ) as h5file: for name, p in self.schema.items(): obj = getattr(self, name, None) if obj is not None and p.is_dolfin: if p.h5group == "": raise RuntimeError("Cannot write object with empty path") h5file.write(obj, p.h5group) logger.debug("Save schema to h5") for name, p in self.schema.items(): obj = getattr(self, name, None) if obj is not None and not p.is_dolfin: if p.h5group == "": raise RuntimeError("Cannot write object with empty path") dict_to_h5(obj, path, p.h5group, comm=self.comm) if schema_path is None: schema_path = path.with_suffix(".json") logger.debug(f"Save schema {schema_path}") dump_schema(schema_path, schema=self.schema) dolfin.MPI.barrier(self.comm) logger.debug(f"Geometry saved to path {path} and schema to {schema_path}") @classmethod def from_file( cls, fname: Union[str, Path], schema_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, schema: Optional[Dict[str, H5Path]] = None, comm=None, ): path = Path(fname) if not path.is_file(): msg = f"File {path} does not exist" raise FileNotFoundError(msg) if schema_path is not None: schema = load_schema(Path(schema_path)) if schema is None: schema = cls.default_schema() if comm is None: comm = dolfin.MPI.comm_world groups = {} data = {} signatures = {} import h5py if comm.rank == 0: with h5py.File(path, "r") as h5file: for name, p in schema.items(): if p.h5group == "": continue groups[name] = p.h5group in h5file if not p.is_dolfin: if groups[name]: data[name] = h5_to_dict(h5file[p.h5group]) else: data[name] = None if p.is_function and groups[name]: signatures[name] = h5file[p.h5group].attrs["signature"].decode() dolfin.MPI.barrier(comm) signatures = comm.bcast(signatures, root=0) groups = comm.bcast(groups, root=0) data = comm.bcast(data, root=0) dolfin.MPI.barrier(comm) populate_data(schema, groups, comm, path, data, signatures) return cls(**data, schema=schema) @classmethod def from_folder(cls, folder, schema: Optional[Dict[str, H5Path]] = None): folder = Path(folder) if schema is None: if (schema := find_schema_in_folder(folder)) is None: schema = cls.default_schema() assert schema is not None # Load mesh first data = {} for name, p in schema.items(): if p.fname == "": continue if not p.is_mesh: continue fname, group = extract_fname_group(p.fname, folder) if not fname.is_file(): continue data[name] = current_mesh = dolfin.Mesh() read(fname, data[name], group=group, current_mesh=current_mesh) # Now load rest of the dolfin stuff for name, p in schema.items(): if p.fname == "": continue if p.is_meshfunction: fname, group = extract_fname_group(p.fname, folder) if not fname.is_file(): continue current_mesh = data[p.mesh_key] val = dolfin.MeshValueCollection("size_t", current_mesh, p.dim) read(fname, val, group=group, current_mesh=current_mesh) data[name] = dolfin.MeshFunction("size_t", current_mesh, val) data[name].array()[data[name].array() == 2**64 - 1] = 0 continue if p.is_function: fname, group = extract_fname_group(p.fname, folder) if not fname.is_file(): continue signature = read_signature(fname, group) if signature is None: continue current_mesh = data[p.mesh_key] sig = eval(signature) sig._quad_scheme = "default" V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(current_mesh, sig) data[name] = dolfin.Function(V) read(fname, data[name], group=group, current_mesh=current_mesh) continue # Finally read json for name, p in schema.items(): if p.is_dolfin: continue fname = folder / p.fname if fname.suffix == ".json": data[name] = json.loads(fname.read_text()) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown file format for {fname}") return cls(**data, schema=schema)