Source code for cardiac_geometries.viz

import contextlib
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import dolfin
import numpy as np

    import ufl_legacy as ufl
except ImportError:
    import ufl

def value_size(obj: ufl.Coefficient) -> Union[List[int], int]:
    value_shape = obj.value_shape()
    if len(value_shape) == 0:
        return 1
    return [0]

body = dedent(
    """<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Xdmf Version="2.0" xmlns:xi="">

series = dedent(
    <Grid Name="{name}" GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">
        <Time TimeType="List">
            <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions="{N}"> {lst}</DataItem>

entry_single = dedent(
    <Grid Name="time_{iter}" GridType="Uniform">

entry = dedent(
    <Grid Name="time_{iter}" GridType="Uniform">

topology = dedent(
    <Topology NumberOfElements="{ncells}" TopologyType="{cell}">
        <DataItem Dimensions="{ncells} {dim}" Format="HDF">{h5name}:/{h5group}</DataItem>

topology_polyvert = dedent(
    <Topology TopologyType="Polyvertex" NodesPerElement="{nverts}">

geometry = dedent(
    <Geometry GeometryType="{coords}">
        <DataItem Dimensions="{nverts} {dim}" Format="HDF">{h5name}:/{h5group}</DataItem>

vector_attribute = dedent(
    <Attribute Name="{name}" AttributeType="Vector" Center="{center}">
        <DataItem Format="HDF" Dimensions="{nverts} {dim}">{h5name}:/{h5group}</DataItem>

scalar_attribute = dedent(
    <Attribute Name="{name}" AttributeType="Scalar" Center="{center}">
        <DataItem Format="HDF" Dimensions="{nverts} {dim}">{h5name}:/{h5group}</DataItem>

def h5pyfile(h5name, filemode="r", comm=None):
        import h5py
    except ImportError:
        print("Please install h5py")
        print("python3 -m pip install h5py --no-binary=h5py")

    if comm is None:
        comm = dolfin.MPI.comm_world

    if h5py.h5.get_config().mpi and dolfin.MPI.size(comm) > 1:
        h5file = h5py.File(h5name, filemode, driver="mpio", comm=comm)
        if dolfin.MPI.size(comm) > 1:
            warnings.warn("h5py is not installed with MPI support")
        h5file = h5py.File(h5name, filemode)
    yield h5file


def dict_to_h5(data, h5name, h5group, comm=None):
    if comm is None:
        comm = dolfin.MPI.comm_world
    if comm.rank == 0:
        import h5py

        with h5py.File(h5name, "a") as h5file:
            if h5group == "":
                group = h5file
                group = h5file.create_group(h5group)
            for k, v in data.items():
                group.create_dataset(k, data=v)

    # Wait for root process to finish

def decode(x):
    if isinstance(x, bytes):
        return x.decode()
    elif isinstance(x, list):
        return [xi for xi in map(decode, x)]
    return x

def h5_to_dict(h5group):
    import h5py

    group = {}
    for key, value in h5group.items():
        if isinstance(value, h5py.Dataset):
            v = decode(value[...].tolist())
            group[key] = v

        # elif isinstance(value, h5py.Group):
        #     group[key] = h5_to_dict(h5group[key])

        # else:
        #     raise ValueError(f"Unknown value type {type(value)} for key {key}.")

    return group

[docs] def dolfin_to_hd5(obj: dolfin.Function, h5name, time="", name=None): """ Save object to and HDF file. Parameters ---------- obj : dolfin.Function The object you want to save name : str Name of the object h5group : str The folder you want to save the object withing the HDF file. Default: '' """ assert isinstance(obj, dolfin.Function) name = if name is None else name"Save {0} to {1}:{0}/{2}".format(name, h5name, time)) group = name if time == "" else "/".join([name, str(time)]) file_mode = "a" if Path(h5name).is_file() else "w" if value_size(obj) == 1: return save_scalar_function(obj, h5name, group, file_mode) else: return save_vector_function(obj, h5name, group, file_mode)
def save_scalar_function(obj, h5name, h5group="", file_mode="w"): V = obj.function_space() dim = V.mesh().geometry().dim() # TODO: gather coords_tmp = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates() coords = coords_tmp.reshape((-1, dim)) # TODO: gather obj_arr = obj.vector().get_local() vecs = np.array(obj_arr).T coord_group = "/".join([h5group, "coordinates"]) vector_group = "/".join([h5group, "vector"]) with h5pyfile(h5name, file_mode) as h5file: if h5group in h5file: del h5file[h5group] h5file.create_dataset(coord_group, data=coords) h5file.create_dataset(vector_group, data=vecs) element = obj.ufl_element() if dim == 3: coords = "XYZ" elif dim == 2: coords = "XY" else: coords = "X" return { "h5group": h5group, "coordinates": coord_group, "vector": vector_group, "nverts": obj.vector().size(), "dim": 1, "family":, "geo_dim": dim, "coords": coords, "degree":, "type": "scalar", } def save_vector_function(obj, h5name, h5group="", file_mode="w"): V = obj.function_space() gs = obj.split(deepcopy=True) W = V.sub(0).collapse() dim = V.mesh().geometry().dim() # TODO: gather coords_tmp = W.tabulate_dof_coordinates() coords = coords_tmp.reshape((-1, dim)) # TODO: gather us = [g.vector().get_local() for g in gs] vecs = np.array(us).T coord_group = "/".join([h5group, "coordinates"]) vector_group = "/".join([h5group, "vector"]) with h5pyfile(h5name, file_mode) as h5file: if h5group in h5file: del h5file[h5group] h5file.create_dataset(coord_group, data=coords) h5file.create_dataset(vector_group, data=vecs) element = obj.ufl_element() if dim == 3: coords = "XYZ" elif dim == 2: coords = "XY" else: coords = "X" return { "h5group": h5group, "coordinates": coord_group, "vector": vector_group, "nverts": obj.vector().size() / dim, "dim": dim, "family":, "geo_dim": dim, "coords": coords, "degree":, "type": "vector", } def fun_to_xdmf(fun, fname, name="function"): h5name = Path(fname).with_suffix(".h5") dolfin_to_hd5(fun, h5name, name=name) dim = fun.function_space().mesh().geometry().dim() if value_size(fun) == 1: nverts = len(fun.vector()) fun_str = scalar_attribute.format( name=name, nverts=nverts, center="Node", h5group="/".join([name, "vector"]), dim=1,, ) else: nverts = int(len(fun.vector()) / dim) fun_str = vector_attribute.format( name=name, nverts=nverts, dim=dim, h5group="/".join([name, "vector"]), center="Node",, ) fun_top = topology_polyvert.format(nverts=nverts) fun_geo = geometry.format( nverts=nverts, dim=dim, coords="XYZ", h5group="/".join([name, "coordinates"]),, ) fun_entry = entry.format(frame=fun_geo + fun_top + fun_str, iter=0) T = body.format(body=fun_entry, name="Visualzation of {}".format(name)) Path(fname).with_suffix(".xdmf").write_text(T) def get_sign_direction(base_direction: str) -> Tuple[int, str]: if len(base_direction) == 1: return 1, base_direction if len(base_direction) == 2: if base_direction[0] == "+": return 1, base_direction[1] elif base_direction[0] == "-": return -1, base_direction[1] raise ValueError(f"Invalid base direction {base_direction!r}") def fiber_to_xdmf(fun: dolfin.Function, fname, base_direction="z"): h5name = Path(fname).with_suffix(".h5") dolfin_to_hd5(fun, h5name, name="fiber") sign, direction = get_sign_direction(base_direction=base_direction) index = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}[direction] f = fun.split(deepcopy=True)[index] f_arr = f.vector().get_local() scalar = np.arcsin(sign * f_arr) * 180 / np.pi with h5pyfile(h5name, "a") as h5file: h5file.create_dataset("fiber/scalar", data=scalar) dim = fun.function_space().mesh().geometry().dim() nverts = int(fun.vector().size() / dim) name = "fiber" fun_scal = scalar_attribute.format( name="angle", nverts=nverts, center="Node", h5group="/".join([name, "scalar"]), dim=1,, ) fun_vec = vector_attribute.format( name=name, nverts=nverts, dim=dim, center="Node", h5group="/".join([name, "vector"]),, ) fun_top = topology_polyvert.format(nverts=nverts) fun_geo = geometry.format( nverts=nverts, dim=dim, coords="XYZ", h5group="/".join([name, "coordinates"]),, ) fun_entry = entry_single.format( frame=fun_geo + fun_top + fun_scal + fun_vec, iter=0, ) T = body.format(body=fun_entry, name="Visualzation of {}".format(name)) with open("{}.xdmf".format(fname), "w") as f: f.write(T)