Life X - 01_strocchi_LV
Life X - 01_strocchi_LVΒΆ
Life X recently published their own implementation of the LDRB algorithm and with that they also publushed a lot of example meshes. This demo aims to try out this implementation of the LDRB algorithm on these example meshes. The LifeX example meshes can be found at, which also contains a DOI:
This demo assumes that you have downloaded the folder with the meshes in the same format as they are uploaded on zenodo, so that the gmsh files are located in a folder called lifex_fiber_generation_examples/mesh
First we import the necessary packages. Note that we also import meshio
which is used for converted from .msh
(gmsh) to .xdmf
import dolfin
import ldrb
Load the mesh and markers. This is a large mesh that you probably want to run in parallel, but you need to first convert the mesh to a fenics mesh and that has to be done in serial. You can make sure that the mesh is saved by setting unlink = False
# Last argument here is the markers, but these are not used
mesh, ffun, _ = ldrb.gmsh2dolfin(
# Run this first in serial and exit here
# exit()
To run the in paralell you can do
mpirun -n 4 python
These are the actualy markers (but we only supprt one base at the moment)
original_markers = {"epi": 10, "endo": 20, "aortic_valve": 50, "mitral_valve": 60}
So we just use these markers instead
markers = {"epi": 10, "lv": 20, "base": 40}
And update the markers accordingly
ffun.array()[ffun.array() == original_markers["aortic_valve"]] = markers["base"]
ffun.array()[ffun.array() == original_markers["mitral_valve"]] = markers["base"]
Select linear langange elements
fiber_space = "P_1"
Compute the fiber-sheet system
fiber, sheet, sheet_normal = ldrb.dolfin_ldrb(
alpha_endo_lv=60, # Fiber angle on the endocardium
alpha_epi_lv=-60, # Fiber angle on the epicardium
beta_endo_lv=0, # Sheet angle on the endocardium
beta_epi_lv=0, # Sheet angle on the epicardium
And save the results
with dolfin.XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), "01_strocchi_LV_fiber.xdmf") as xdmf: