Even though experimental studies have indicated visco-elastic behavior of the myocardium [Dokos et al., 2002, Gültekin et al., 2016] a common assumption is to consider quasi-static behavior, meaning that the inertial term in (6) is negligible and static equilibrium is achieved at all points in the cardiac cycle. Therefore it is also possible to model the myocardium as a hyperelastic material,which is a type of elastic material. This means that we postulate the existence of a strain-energy density function \(\Psi:\mathrm{Lin}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+\), and that stress is given by the relation
Since stress has unit Pa, we see that the strain-energy density function is defined as energy per unit reference volume, and has units \(\frac{\text{Joule}}{m^3}\). The strain-energy density function relates the amount of energy that is stored within the material in response to a given strain. Hence, the stresses in a hyperelastic material with a given strain-energy density function, depend only on the strain, and not the path for which the material deforms. On the contrary, if the model had been visco-elastic we would expect to see hysteresis in the stress/strain curve, but this is not possible for a hyperelastic material.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy production in a thermodynamic process can never be negative. Elastic materials define a special class of materials in which the entropy production is zero. Within this thermodynamic framework the strain-energy density function coincides (up to a constant) with the Helmholtz free energy density.
General requirements for the strain-energy density function¶
Some general requirements must hold for the strain-energy function. First of all, we require that the reference state is stress free and that the stored energy increases monotonically with the deformation. Formally this can be stated simply as
Moreover, expanding or compressing a body to zero volume would require an infinite amount of energy, i.e
We say that the strain energy should be objective, meaning that the stored energy in the material should be invariant with respect to change of observer. Formally we must have: given any positive symmetric rank-2 tensor \(\mathbf{C} \in \mathrm{Sym}\):
Here \(\mathrm{Orth}\) is the group of all positive orthogonal matrices. If \(\mathcal{G} = \mathrm{Orth}\) we say that the material is isotropic, and otherwise we say that the material is anisotropic. This brings us to another important issue, which is related to the choice of coordinate-system. Having to deal with different coordinate-systems, and mapping quantities from one coordinate-system to another can results in complicated computations. Therefore it would be beneficial if we could work with quantities which do not depend on the choice of coordinate-system. Such quantities are called invariants. If the material is isotropic, the representation theorem for invariants [Wang, 1970] states that \(\Psi\) can be expressed in terms of the principle invariants of \(\mathbf{C}\), that is \(\Psi = \Psi(I_1, I_2, I_3)\). The principle invariants \(I_i, i=1,2,3\) are the coefficients in the characteristic polynomial of \(\mathbf{C}\), and is given by
In the case when the material constitutes a transversely isotropic behavior, that is, the material has a preferred direction \(\mathbf{a}_0\), which in the case of the myocardium could be the direction of fiber muscle fibers, we have
with \(\otimes\) being the outer product. In this case the strain-energy density function can still be expressed through invariants. However, we need to include the so called quasi-invariants, which are defined as stretches in the local microstructural coordinate-system. The transversely isotropic invariants are given by
Some of the invariants do have a physical interpretation. For instance, \(I_3\) is related to the volume ratio of material during deformation, while \(I_{4\mathbf{a}_0 } \) is related to the stretch along the direction \(\mathbf{a}_0 \). Indeed the stretch ratio in the direction \(\mathbf{a}_0\) is given by \(\lambda_{\mathbf{a}_0} = | \mathbf{F} \mathbf{a}_0 |\) and we see that \(I_{4\mathbf{a}_0 } = \mathbf{a}_0 \cdot (\mathbf{C} \mathbf{a}_0) = \mathbf{F} \mathbf{a}_0 \cdot (\mathbf{F} \mathbf{a}_0) = \lambda_{\mathbf{a}_0}^2\). For more details about invariants see e.g [Holzapfel and Ogden, 2009, Liu and others, 1982].
The theory of global existence of unique solutions for elastic problems was originally based convexity of the free energy function. An energy function \(\Psi: \mathrm{Lin}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+\) is strictly convex if for each \(\mathbf{F} \in \mathrm{Lin}^+\) and \(\mathbf{H} \neq \mathbf{0}\) with \(\det (\mathbf{F} + (1-\lambda)\mathbf{H}) > 0\), we have
If the response \(\mathbf{P}\) is differentiable, then condition (12) is equivalent of saying that the response is positive definite,
However, from a physical point of view this requirement is too strict [Ball, 1976]. A slightly weaker requirement is the strong ellipticity condition which states that (13) should hold for any \(\mathbf{H}\) of rank-one, and is analogous to say that the strain energy function is rank-one convex.
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