Implementation details
Implementation details¶
The cardiac mechanics solver developed during the work of this thesis is implemented using the finite element framework FEniCS. Here we briefly explain the main components of FEniCS as well as some numerical considerations made when implementing the solver.
The FEniCS Project¶
The FEniCS project is an open-source computing platform for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using the finite element method (FEM). Solving PDEs using FEM involves many implementation details that can be tedious to implement yourselves. The idea behind FEniCS is to automate code generation so that the user can spend more time on doing research and less time on implementation of assembly matrices. At the core of FEniCS is DOLFIN [Logg et al., 2012], which is a C++/Python library, and works as the main interface in FEniCS. In this thesis only the Python interface has been used, in which C++ code is automatically generated using SWIG. This allows for simplicity through the Python scripting language and the speed of the C++ language. The domain specific language used to represent weak formulations is called the Unified Form Language (UFL) [Alnæs et al., 2014], and allows for e.g automatic differentiation of forms and expressions. The FEniCS form compiler (FFC) [Logg et al., 2012] compiles code written in UFL to Unified Form-assembly Code (UFC) [Alnæs et al., 2012] which are optimized C++ code. The Python interface also makes use of the Instant module which allows for just-in-time (JIT) compilation of C++ code. The compiled code is also stored in a cache so that compilation of a form only happens once. Also, the relatively new UFL Analyser and Compiler System (UFLACS) allows for fast compilation of complex forms such as variational formulations that include the Holzapfel Ogden material model (20).
For more information about FEniCS, the reader is referred to the official web page ( or any of the cited literature.
Numerical considerations¶
The solution of non-linear problems such as the one described here are typically solved using methods like Newton’s method. The convergence of such methods depends on the initial guess, and if the initial guess is too far from the true solution, the solver might diverge. Moreover, if the initial guess is close to the true solution the convergence rate is in general quadratic.
Let us consider a typical numerical problem of inflating the ventricular geometry from a stress-free configuration to end-diastole. This involves increasing the pressure, or the boundary traction on the endocardium, from zero to the end-diastolic pressure. A strategy know as the incremental load technique is usually a good approach. In this strategy you select some incremental step-size (for instance \(0.4\) kPa), and increase the pressure linearly until the target pressure is reached. If the solver diverges you decrease the step-size (for instance by a factor of 0.5) until convergence is reached, and continue to step up the pressure with the new step-size. This is very robust, but definitely a slow approach. Since many of the constitutive models for myocardium consist of an exponential relationship between the stress and strain (so called Fung-type relation), the amount of stress needed to displace a material will be higher if the material is a state with high strain compared to a state of low strain. Therefore, in the low strain state, the Newtons solver might perform fewer iterations to reach convergence when the load is increased. As a result, one could improve the incremental load technique by adapting the step size if the number of newton iterations are below a certain threshold (for instance \(8\) iterations).
An even more clever strategy uses a technique from bifurcation and chaos theory and is known as numerical continuation [Allgower and Georg, 2003]. Suppose we want to solve the non-linear problem \(F(\mathbf{u}, \lambda)=0\) with state variable \(\mathbf{u}\) and parameter \(\lambda\). For instance \(\mathbf{u}\) could be the displacement and \(\lambda\) could be the endocardial pressure. The idea behind numerical continuation is that given a solution pair \((\mathbf{u}_0, \lambda_0)\) there exist (under conditions stated by the implicit function theorem) a solution curve \(\mathbf{u}(\lambda)\) such that \(F(\mathbf{u}(\lambda), \lambda)=0\) and \(\mathbf{u}(\lambda_0) = \mathbf{u}_0\). To explicitly find such a curve is not always easy but a simple approximation can be found by linear extrapolation: Given two pairs \((\mathbf{u}_0, \lambda_0)\) and \((\mathbf{u}_1, \lambda_1)\), and a new target parameter \(\lambda_2\), a possible solution is
Choosing \(\mathbf{u}_2\) as initial guess for the non-linear solver has been successfully performed by others in non-linear cardiac mechanics problems [Pezzuto, 2013], and this approach is also used in this thesis.
- AG03
Eugene L Allgower and Kurt Georg. Introduction to numerical continuation methods. SIAM, 2003.
- AlnaesLOlgaard+14
Martin S Alnæs, Anders Logg, Kristian B Ølgaard, Marie E Rognes, and Garth N Wells. Unified form language: a domain-specific language for weak formulations of partial differential equations. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 40(2):9, 2014.
- AlnaesLM12
Martin Sandve Alnæs, Anders Logg, and Kent-Andre Mardal. Ufc: a finite element code generation interface. Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method, pages 283–302, 2012.
- LWH12
Anders Logg, Garth N Wells, and Johan Hake. Dolfin: a c++/python finite element library. Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method, pages 173–225, 2012.
- LOlgaardRW12
Anders Logg, Kristian B Ølgaard, Marie E Rognes, and Garth N Wells. Ffc: the fenics form compiler. Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method, pages 227–238, 2012.
- Pez13
Simone Pezzuto. Mechanics of the heart: constitutive issues and numerical experiments. PhD thesis, Italy, 2013.