Regazzoni 2020 with a bleeding event

Regazzoni 2020 with a bleeding event#

In this example we will use the 0D model from [RSA+22] to simulate the cardiac cycle with a bleeding event. We use the Zenker model to find the heart rate for normal conditions and then we simulate a bleeding event and compute the new heart rate. Simularly we also adjust the systemic resistance and the contractility of the heart chambers to simulate the effects of bleeding.

from circulation.log import setup_logging
from circulation.regazzoni2020 import Regazzoni2020
from circulation.zenker import Zenker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Run first Zenker to get the correct heart rate for normal conditions
zenker_normal = Zenker()
zenker_normal.solve(T=100.0, dt=1e-3, dt_eval=0.1)
HR_normal = zenker_normal.results["fHR"][-1]
R_TPR_normal = zenker_normal.results["R_TPR"][-1]
C_PRSW_normal = zenker_normal.results["C_PRSW"][-1]

[11/28/24 20:30:06] INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                                           Circulation model parameters (Zenker)                                                                                                                        
                             ┃ Parameter        ┃ Value                                      ┃                                                                                                          
                             │ kE_LV            │ 0.066 / milliliter                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ V_ED0            │ 7.14 milliliter                            │                                                                                                          
                             │ P0_LV            │ 2.03 millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ tau_Baro         │ 20.0 second                                │                                                                                                          
                             │ k_width          │ 0.1838 / millimeter_Hg                     │                                                                                                          
                             │ Pa_set           │ 70.0 millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ Ca               │ 4.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg             │                                                                                                          
                             │ Cv               │ 111.11 milliliter / millimeter_Hg          │                                                                                                          
                             │ Va0              │ 700 milliliter                             │                                                                                                          
                             │ Vv0_min          │ 2700 milliliter                            │                                                                                                          
                             │ Vv0_max          │ 3100 milliliter                            │                                                                                                          
                             │ R_TPR_min        │ 0.5335 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter │                                                                                                          
                             │ R_TPR_max        │ 2.134 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter  │                                                                                                          
                             │ T_sys            │ 0.26666666666666666 second                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ f_HR_min         │ 0.6666666666666666 / second                │                                                                                                          
                             │ f_HR_max         │ 3.0 / second                               │                                                                                                          
                             │ R_valve          │ 0.0025 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter │                                                                                                          
                             │ C_PRSW_min       │ 25.9 millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ C_PRSW_max       │ 103.8 millimeter_Hg                        │                                                                                                          
                             │ start_withdrawal │ 0.0 second                                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ end_withdrawal   │ 0.0 second                                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ start_infusion   │ 0.0 second                                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ end_infusion     │ 0.0 second                                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ flow_withdrawal  │ 0.0 milliliter / second                    │                                                                                                          
                             │ flow_infusion    │ 0.0 milliliter / second                    │                                                                                                          

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                             Circulation model initial states (Zenker)                                                                                                                                  
                             ┃ State ┃ Value                         ┃                                                                                                                                  
                             │ V_ES  │ 14.288 milliliter             │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ V_ED  │ 21.432000000000002 milliliter │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ S     │ 0.5 dimensionless             │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ Va    │ 938.1944444444443 milliliter  │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ Vv    │ 3886.805555555555 milliliter  │                                                                                                                                  
                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Running circulation model                                                                                                       
[11/28/24 20:30:08] INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Done running circulation model in 1.54 s                                                                                        
print(f"HR_normal = {HR_normal}, R_TPR_normal = {R_TPR_normal}, C_PRSW_normal = {C_PRSW_normal}")
HR_normal = 1.8392398346982812, R_TPR_normal = 1.3378014380433993, C_PRSW_normal = 65.04719276699834
# Now we will simulate a bleeding and compute a new heart rate
blood_loss_parameters = {"start_withdrawal": 1, "end_withdrawal": 2, "flow_withdrawal": -2000, "flow_infusion": 0}
zenker_bleed = Zenker(parameters=blood_loss_parameters)
zenker_bleed.solve(T=300.0, dt=1e-3, dt_eval=0.1, initial_state=zenker_normal.state)
HR_bleed = zenker_bleed.results["fHR"][-1]
R_TPR_bleed = zenker_bleed.results["R_TPR"][-1]
C_PRSW_bleed = zenker_bleed.results["C_PRSW"][-1]

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                                           Circulation model parameters (Zenker)                                                                                                                        
                             ┃ Parameter        ┃ Value                                      ┃                                                                                                          
                             │ kE_LV            │ 0.066 / milliliter                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ V_ED0            │ 7.14 milliliter                            │                                                                                                          
                             │ P0_LV            │ 2.03 millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ tau_Baro         │ 20.0 second                                │                                                                                                          
                             │ k_width          │ 0.1838 / millimeter_Hg                     │                                                                                                          
                             │ Pa_set           │ 70.0 millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ Ca               │ 4.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg             │                                                                                                          
                             │ Cv               │ 111.11 milliliter / millimeter_Hg          │                                                                                                          
                             │ Va0              │ 700 milliliter                             │                                                                                                          
                             │ Vv0_min          │ 2700 milliliter                            │                                                                                                          
                             │ Vv0_max          │ 3100 milliliter                            │                                                                                                          
                             │ R_TPR_min        │ 0.5335 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter │                                                                                                          
                             │ R_TPR_max        │ 2.134 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter  │                                                                                                          
                             │ T_sys            │ 0.26666666666666666 second                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ f_HR_min         │ 0.6666666666666666 / second                │                                                                                                          
                             │ f_HR_max         │ 3.0 / second                               │                                                                                                          
                             │ R_valve          │ 0.0025 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter │                                                                                                          
                             │ C_PRSW_min       │ 25.9 millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                                                          
                             │ C_PRSW_max       │ 103.8 millimeter_Hg                        │                                                                                                          
                             │ start_withdrawal │ 1           
                             │ end_withdrawal   │ 2           
                             │ start_infusion   │ 0.0 second                                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ end_infusion     │ 0.0 second                                 │                                                                                                          
                             │ flow_withdrawal  │ -2000           
                             │ flow_infusion    │ 0           

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                             Circulation model initial states (Zenker)                                                                                                                                  
                             ┃ State ┃ Value                         ┃                                                                                                                                  
                             │ V_ES  │ 14.288 milliliter             │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ V_ED  │ 21.432000000000002 milliliter │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ S     │ 0.5 dimensionless             │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ Va    │ 938.1944444444443 milliliter  │                                                                                                                                  
                             │ Vv    │ 3886.805555555555 milliliter  │                                                                                                                                  
                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Running circulation model                                                                                                       
[11/28/24 20:30:11] INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Done running circulation model in 3.47 s                                                                                        
print(f"HR_bleed = {HR_bleed}, R_TPR_bleed = {R_TPR_bleed}, C_PRSW_bleed = {C_PRSW_bleed}")
HR_bleed = 2.9999972640851307, R_TPR_bleed = 2.133998123357822, C_PRSW_bleed = 103.79990865952786
HR_factor = HR_bleed / HR_normal
R_TPR_factor = R_TPR_bleed / R_TPR_normal
C_PRSW_factor = C_PRSW_bleed / C_PRSW_normal
regazzoni_normal_parmeters = Regazzoni2020.default_parameters()
regazzoni_normal_parmeters["HR"] = 1.0
regazzoni_normal = Regazzoni2020(parameters=regazzoni_normal_parmeters)

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                                                    Circulation model parameters (Regazzoni2020)                                                                                                        
                             ┃ Parameter                             ┃ Value                                           ┃                                                                                
                             │ HR                                    │ 1.0           
                             │ chambers.LA.EA                        │ 0.07 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LA.EB                        │ 0.09 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LA.TC                        │ 0.17 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LA.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LA.tC                        │ 0.8 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LA.V0                        │ 4.0 milliliter                                  │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LV.EA                        │ 2.75 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LV.EB                        │ 0.08 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LV.TC                        │ 0.34 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LV.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LV.tC                        │ 0.0 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.LV.V0                        │ 5.0 milliliter                                  │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RA.EA                        │ 0.06 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RA.EB                        │ 0.07 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RA.TC                        │ 0.17 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RA.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RA.tC                        │ 0.8 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RA.V0                        │ 4.0 milliliter                                  │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RV.EA                        │ 0.55 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RV.EB                        │ 0.05 millimeter_Hg / milliliter                 │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RV.TC                        │ 0.34 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RV.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                     │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RV.tC                        │ 0.0 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ chambers.RV.V0                        │ 10.0 milliliter                                 │                                                                                
                             │ valves.MV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter      │                                                                                
                             │ valves.MV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter     │                                                                                
                             │ valves.AV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter      │                                                                                
                             │ valves.AV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter     │                                                                                
                             │ valves.TV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter      │                                                                                
                             │ valves.TV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter     │                                                                                
                             │ valves.PV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter      │                                                                                
                             │ valves.PV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter     │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.SYS.R_AR                  │ 0.8 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter         │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.SYS.C_AR                  │ 1.2 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                  │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.SYS.R_VEN                 │ 0.26 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter        │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.SYS.C_VEN                 │ 130.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.SYS.L_AR                  │ 0.005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter  │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.SYS.L_VEN                 │ 0.0005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.PUL.R_AR                  │ 0.1625 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter      │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.PUL.C_AR                  │ 10.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                 │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.PUL.R_VEN                 │ 0.1625 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter      │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.PUL.C_VEN                 │ 16.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                 │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.PUL.L_AR                  │ 0.0005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.PUL.L_VEN                 │ 0.0005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.external.start_withdrawal │ 0.0 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.external.end_withdrawal   │ 0.0 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.external.start_infusion   │ 0.0 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.external.end_infusion     │ 0.0 second                                      │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.external.flow_withdrawal  │ 0.0 milliliter / second                         │                                                                                
                             │ circulation.external.flow_infusion    │ 0.0 milliliter / second                         │                                                                                

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                                Circulation model initial states                                                                                                                                        
                             ┃ State     ┃ Value                   ┃                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_LA      │ 65.0 milliliter         │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_LV      │ 120.0 milliliter        │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_RA      │ 65.0 milliliter         │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_RV      │ 145.0 milliliter        │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_AR_SYS  │ 80.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_VEN_SYS │ 30.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_AR_PUL  │ 35.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_VEN_PUL │ 24.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_AR_SYS  │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_VEN_SYS │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_AR_PUL  │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_VEN_PUL │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                             ┃ V_LA   ┃ V_LV    ┃ V_RA   ┃ V_RV    ┃ V_AR_SYS ┃ V_VEN_SYS ┃ V_AR_PUL ┃ V_VEN_PUL ┃ Heart   ┃ SYS      ┃ PUL     ┃ Total    ┃                                            
                             ┃ p_LA  ┃ p_LV  ┃ p_RA  ┃ p_RV  ┃ p_AR_SYS ┃ p_VEN_SYS ┃ p_AR_PUL ┃ p_VEN_PUL ┃                                                                                            
                             ┃ Q_MV   ┃ Q_AV   ┃ Q_TV    ┃ Q_PV   ┃ Q_AR_SYS ┃ Q_VEN_SYS ┃ Q_AR_PUL ┃ Q_VEN_PUL ┃                                                                                       
dt_eval = 0.01
regazzoni_normal.solve(num_cycles=20, dt_eval=dt_eval)
N_normal = int(regazzoni_normal.HR / dt_eval)
                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Running circulation model                                                                                                       
[11/28/24 20:30:13] INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Done running circulation model in 2.03 s                                                                                        
regazzoni_bleed_parmeters = Regazzoni2020.default_parameters()
regazzoni_bleed_parmeters["HR"] = HR_factor
regazzoni_bleed_parmeters["circulation"]["SYS"]["R_AR"] *= R_TPR_factor
regazzoni_bleed_parmeters["circulation"]["SYS"]["R_VEN"] *= R_TPR_factor
for chamber in ["LA", "LV", "RA", "RV"]:
    regazzoni_bleed_parmeters["chambers"][chamber]["EA"] *= C_PRSW_factor
    regazzoni_bleed_parmeters["chambers"][chamber]["EB"] *= C_PRSW_factor
regazzoni_bleed_parmeters["circulation"]["external"] = blood_loss_parameters
regazzoni_bleed = Regazzoni2020(parameters=regazzoni_bleed_parmeters)
regazzoni_bleed.solve(num_cycles=100, initial_state=regazzoni_normal.state, dt_eval=dt_eval)
N_bleed = int(regazzoni_bleed.HR / dt_eval)

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                                                        Circulation model parameters (Regazzoni2020)                                                                                                    
                             ┃ Parameter                             ┃ Value                                                   ┃                                                                        
                             │ HR                                    │ 1.6311071604086187           
                             │ chambers.LA.EA                        │ 0.11170341558311413 millimeter_Hg / milliliter          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LA.EB                        │ 0.14361867717828958 millimeter_Hg / milliliter          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LA.TC                        │ 0.17 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LA.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LA.tC                        │ 0.8 second                                              │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LA.V0                        │ 4.0 milliliter                                          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LV.EA                        │ 4.388348469336626 millimeter_Hg / milliliter            │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LV.EB                        │ 0.12766104638070186 millimeter_Hg / milliliter          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LV.TC                        │ 0.34 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LV.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LV.tC                        │ 0.0 second                                              │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.LV.V0                        │ 5.0 milliliter                                          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RA.EA                        │ 0.0957457847855264 millimeter_Hg / milliliter           │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RA.EB                        │ 0.11170341558311413 millimeter_Hg / milliliter          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RA.TC                        │ 0.17 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RA.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RA.tC                        │ 0.8 second                                              │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RA.V0                        │ 4.0 milliliter                                          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RV.EA                        │ 0.8776696938673253 millimeter_Hg / milliliter           │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RV.EB                        │ 0.07978815398793866 millimeter_Hg / milliliter          │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RV.TC                        │ 0.34 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RV.TR                        │ 0.17 second                                             │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RV.tC                        │ 0.0 second                                              │                                                                        
                             │ chambers.RV.V0                        │ 10.0 milliliter                                         │                                                                        
                             │ valves.MV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter              │                                                                        
                             │ valves.MV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter             │                                                                        
                             │ valves.AV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter              │                                                                        
                             │ valves.AV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter             │                                                                        
                             │ valves.TV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter              │                                                                        
                             │ valves.TV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter             │                                                                        
                             │ valves.PV.Rmin                        │ 0.0075 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter              │                                                                        
                             │ valves.PV.Rmax                        │ 75006.2 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter             │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.SYS.R_AR                  │ 1.2761224873424561 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter  │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.SYS.C_AR                  │ 1.2 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                          │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.SYS.R_VEN                 │ 0.41473980838629826 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.SYS.C_VEN                 │ 130.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                        │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.SYS.L_AR                  │ 0.005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter          │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.SYS.L_VEN                 │ 0.0005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter         │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.PUL.R_AR                  │ 0.1625 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter              │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.PUL.C_AR                  │ 10.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.PUL.R_VEN                 │ 0.1625 millimeter_Hg * second / milliliter              │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.PUL.C_VEN                 │ 16.0 milliliter / millimeter_Hg                         │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.PUL.L_AR                  │ 0.0005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter         │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.PUL.L_VEN                 │ 0.0005 millimeter_Hg * second ** 2 / milliliter         │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.external.start_withdrawal │ 1           
                             │ circulation.external.end_withdrawal   │ 2           
                             │ circulation.external.start_infusion   │ 0.0 second                                              │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.external.end_infusion     │ 0.0 second                                              │                                                                        
                             │ circulation.external.flow_withdrawal  │ -2000           
                             │ circulation.external.flow_infusion    │ 0           

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                                Circulation model initial states                                                                                                                                        
                             ┃ State     ┃ Value                   ┃                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_LA      │ 65.0 milliliter         │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_LV      │ 120.0 milliliter        │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_RA      │ 65.0 milliliter         │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ V_RV      │ 145.0 milliliter        │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_AR_SYS  │ 80.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_VEN_SYS │ 30.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_AR_PUL  │ 35.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ p_VEN_PUL │ 24.0 millimeter_Hg      │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_AR_SYS  │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_VEN_SYS │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_AR_PUL  │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    
                             │ Q_VEN_PUL │ 0.0 milliliter / second │                                                                                                                                    
                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Running circulation model                                                                                                       
[11/28/24 20:30:20] INFO     INFO:circulation.base:Done running circulation model in 6.27 s                                                                                        

                    INFO     INFO:circulation.base:                                                                                                                                
                             ┃ V_LA   ┃ V_LV   ┃ V_RA   ┃ V_RV   ┃ V_AR_SYS ┃ V_VEN_SYS ┃ V_AR_PUL ┃ V_VEN_PUL ┃ Heart   ┃ SYS      ┃ PUL     ┃ Total    ┃                                              
                             ┃ p_LA  ┃ p_LV  ┃ p_RA  ┃ p_RV  ┃ p_AR_SYS ┃ p_VEN_SYS ┃ p_AR_PUL ┃ p_VEN_PUL ┃                                                                                            
                             ┃ Q_MV   ┃ Q_AV   ┃ Q_TV   ┃ Q_PV   ┃ Q_AR_SYS ┃ Q_VEN_SYS ┃ Q_AR_PUL ┃ Q_VEN_PUL ┃                                                                                        
V_LV_normal = regazzoni_normal.results["V_LV"][-N_normal:]
V_LV_ED = max(V_LV_normal)
V_LV_ES = min(V_LV_normal)
SV_normal = V_LV_ED - V_LV_ES
V_LV_bleed = regazzoni_bleed.results["V_LV"][-N_bleed:]
V_LV_ED = max(V_LV_bleed)
V_LV_ES = min(V_LV_bleed)
SV_bleed = V_LV_ED - V_LV_ES
print(f"SV_normal = {SV_normal}, SV_bleed = {SV_bleed}")
SV_normal = 87.8443531638228, SV_bleed = 20.671664896165513
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 5))
ax[0, 0].set_title("Normal")
ax[0, 0].plot(regazzoni_normal.results["V_LV"], regazzoni_normal.results["p_LV"], label="LV")
ax[0, 0].plot(regazzoni_normal.results["V_RV"], regazzoni_normal.results["p_RV"], label="RV")
ax[1, 0].plot(regazzoni_normal.results["V_LV"][-N_normal:], regazzoni_normal.results["p_LV"][-N_normal:], label="LV")
ax[1, 0].plot(regazzoni_normal.results["V_RV"][-N_normal:], regazzoni_normal.results["p_RV"][-N_normal:], label="RV")
ax[0, 1].set_title("Bleeding")
ax[0, 1].plot(regazzoni_bleed.results["V_LV"], regazzoni_bleed.results["p_LV"], label="LV")
ax[0, 1].plot(regazzoni_bleed.results["V_RV"], regazzoni_bleed.results["p_RV"], label="RV")
ax[1, 1].plot(regazzoni_bleed.results["V_LV"][-N_bleed:], regazzoni_bleed.results["p_LV"][-N_bleed:], label="LV")
ax[1, 1].plot(regazzoni_bleed.results["V_RV"][-N_bleed:], regazzoni_bleed.results["p_RV"][-N_bleed:], label="RV")
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fe774538f10>]
ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("p [mmHg]")
ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("p [mmHg]")
ax[1, 0].set_xlabel("V [mL]")
ax[1, 1].set_xlabel("V [mL]")
Text(0.5, 4.444444444444445, 'V [mL]')
for axi in ax.flatten():
pressure_keys = ['p_AR_SYS', 'p_VEN_SYS', 'p_AR_PUL', 'p_VEN_PUL', 'p_LV', 'p_RV', 'p_LA', 'p_RA']
flow_keys = ["Q_MV","Q_AV", "Q_TV", "Q_PV" ,"I_ext", "Q_AR_SYS", "Q_VEN_SYS" ,  "Q_AR_PUL",  "Q_VEN_PUL"]
for case, obj in [("normal",regazzoni_normal), ("bleed", regazzoni_bleed)]:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 8))
    for axi, key in zip(ax.flatten(), flow_keys):
        axi.plot(obj.results["time"], obj.results[key])
    fig.suptitle(f"Flow {case}")

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 2, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 8))
    for axi, key in zip(ax.flatten(), pressure_keys):
        axi.plot(obj.results["time"], obj.results[key])
    fig.suptitle(f"Pressure {case}")

    volumes = Regazzoni2020.compute_volumes(obj.parameters, obj.results)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 3, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 8))
    for axi, (key, v) in zip(ax.flatten(), volumes.items()):
        axi.plot(obj.results["time"], v)
    fig.suptitle(f"Volumes {case}")
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Francesco Regazzoni, Matteo Salvador, Pasquale Claudio Africa, Marco Fedele, Luca Dedè, and Alfio Quarteroni. A cardiac electromechanical model coupled with a lumped-parameter model for closed-loop blood circulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 457:111083, 2022.