Graphical user interface

Graphical user interface#

mps-motion also comes with the graphical user interface which is made with streamlit. To start the gui you need to first find a folder containing some data (i.e some .tif, .nd2 or .czi files) and run the following command

mps-motion gui path/to/folder

or equivalently

python -m mps_motion gui path/to/folder

where path/to/folder should be the path to the folder containing the files. Note that the gui will not traverse the subdirectories, and only list the files with the supported file time within that folder.

This will start a web-server that by default will run on port 8501, so opening the url http://localhost:8501 should open the graphical user interface.

Below show an example of how this could look like.

Hide code cell source
from IPython.display import Video
Video("mps-motion-gui.mp4", width=700, height=400)