Bidomain model#
In this demo we solve the Bidomain model
on a square domain, \(\Omega = [0, 10] \times [0, 10]\). Here subscript i
means intracellular and subscript e
means extracellular. This is true for conductivities (\(M_i\) and \(M_e\)) and the potential (\(u_i\) and \(u_e\)). We also have the membrane potential \(v = u_i - u_e\) which is the potential difference in the intracellular and extracellular domains.
Further we have the area of the cell membrane per unit volume \(\chi\), the capacitance of the cell membrane \(C_m\) and the Ionic current across the membrane.
For a full derivation of the Bidomain equations see [SLC+07] or [KS09].
In this demo we will use the Tentusscher model [TTP06] to model the ionic current across the membrane.
First we need to make the necessary imports
import dolfin
import cbcbeat
import math
import logging
import goss
import tqdm
import gotran
from cbcbeat.gossplittingsolver import GOSSplittingSolver
Note that we also import the GOSSplittingSolver
from cbcbeat
. cbcbeat
is a library for solving the problem in cardiac electrophysiology.
First we initialize some parameters for the solver
ps = GOSSplittingSolver.default_parameters()
ps["pde_solver"] = "bidomain"
# ps["BidomainSolver"]["use_avg_u_constraint"] = False
# ps["BidomainSolver"]["linear_solver_type"] = "direct"
ps["BidomainSolver"]["linear_solver_type"] = "iterative"
ps["BidomainSolver"]["theta"] = 0.5
ps["theta"] = 0.5
ps["enable_adjoint"] = False
ps["apply_stimulus_current_to_pde"] = True
ps["ode_solver"]["solver"] = "GRL1"
ps["ode_solver"]["num_threads"] = 0
We define the domain, i.e a unit square that we scale by a factor of 10.0
domain = dolfin.UnitSquareMesh(100, 100)
domain.coordinates()[:] *= 10
Next we define the stimulus domain which will be a circle with
class StimSubDomain(dolfin.SubDomain):
def __init__(self, center, radius):
self.x0, self.y0 = center
self.radius = radius
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
r = math.sqrt((x[0] - self.x0) ** 2 + (x[1] - self.y0) ** 2)
if r < self.radius:
return True
return False
# Create a mesh function containing markers for the stimulus domain
stim_domain = dolfin.MeshFunction("size_t", domain, domain.topology().dim(), 0)
# Set all markers to zero
# We mark the stimulus domain with a different marker
stim_marker = 1
domain_size = domain.coordinates().max()
# Create a domain
stim_subdomain = StimSubDomain(
center=(domain_size / 2.0, 0.0),
radius=domain_size / 5.0,
# And mark the domain
stim_subdomain.mark(stim_domain, stim_marker)
Next we create the stimulus protocol
# Strength of the amplitude (this is based on the ionic model)
stim_amplitude = 50.0
# Duration of the stimulus
stim_duration = 1.0
# Make a constant representing time
time = dolfin.Constant(0.0)
# Make an expression that we apply a stimulus at 1 ms for a duration of 1 ms
stim = dolfin.Expression(
"time > start ? (time <= (duration + start) ? " "amplitude : 0.0) : 0.0",
# Make a stimulus object to be passed to cbcbeat
stimulus = cbcbeat.Markerwise([stim], [stim_marker], stim_domain)
We load the ode representing the ionic model
gotran_ode = gotran.load_ode("tentusscher_panfilov_2006_M_cell.ode")
# and create a cell model with the membrane potential as a field state
# This will make the membrane potential being spatial dependent-
cellmodel = goss.dolfinutils.DOLFINParameterizedODE(
# Do not apply any stimulus in the cell model since we will do this through the bidomain model
cellmodel.set_parameter("stim_amplitude", 0)
Define the conductivities (where does these values come from?)
chi = 12000.0 # cm^{-1}
s_il = 300.0 / chi # mS
s_it = s_il / 2 # mS
s_el = 200.0 / chi # mS
s_et = s_el / 1.2 # mS
and the conductivity tensors
M_i = dolfin.as_tensor(((dolfin.Constant(s_il), 0), (0, dolfin.Constant(s_it))))
M_e = dolfin.as_tensor(((dolfin.Constant(s_el), 0), (0, dolfin.Constant(s_et))))
Create and the CardiacModel in cbcbeat
heart = cbcbeat.CardiacModel(domain, time, M_i, M_e, cellmodel, stimulus)
# and initialize the solver
solver = GOSSplittingSolver(heart, ps)
We extract the membrane potential from the solution fields
(vs_, vs, vur) = solver.solution_fields()
V = vs.function_space()
v = dolfin.Function(V)
and solve the model for 100 ms with increments of 0.5. We also save the resulting membrane potential in and XDMF file that can be visualized in Paraview.
dt = 0.5
T = 100
vfile = dolfin.XDMFFile(dolfin.MPI.comm_world, "bidomain.xdmf")
for (t0, t1), fields in tqdm.tqdm(solver.solve((0, T), dt), total=int(T / dt)):
vfile.write(v, t0)
Fig. 9 Membrane potential#
James Keener and James Sneyd. Mathematical physiology: II: Systems physiology. Springer, 2009.
Joakim Sundnes, Glenn Terje Lines, Xing Cai, Bjørn Frederik Nielsen, Kent-Andre Mardal, and Aslak Tveito. Computing the electrical activity in the heart. Volume 1. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.
Kirsten HWJ Ten Tusscher and Alexander V Panfilov. Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 291(3):H1088–H1100, 2006.