Source code for goss.dolfinutils

from __future__ import annotations

# Copyright (C) 2013 Johan Hake
# This file is part of GOSS.
# GOSS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GOSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with GOSS. If not, see <>.

__all__ = ["DOLFINODESystemSolver", "family_and_degree_from_str"]

import numpy as np

import typing

    import dolfin
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError("dolfin is not present") from e

# Import Gotran and try import cuda solver
# from goss import goss_solvers
# from goss.solvers import ImplicitODESolver
from .ode import ParameterizedODE
from . import solvers
from .systemsolver import ODESystemSolver

# import goss.cuda

# enable_cuda = goss.cuda.cuda is not None
enable_cuda = False

KeyType = typing.Union[str, int]

def entity_to_dofs(V):
    assert isinstance(V, dolfin.FunctionSpace)
    mesh = V.mesh()
    dim = mesh.topology().dim()
    dm = V.dofmap()
    if V.ufl_element().family() == "Lagrange":
        return dolfin.vertex_to_dof_map(V)

    # FIXME: np.uintp?
    # Create an array
    num_entity_dofs = dm.num_entity_dofs(dim)
    entity_to_dof = np.zeros(mesh.num_cells() * num_entity_dofs, np.intc)
    num_fields = V.num_sub_spaces()
    if num_fields > 0:
        dms = [V.sub(i).dofmap() for i in range(num_fields)]
        num_fields = 1
        dms = [dm]

    for cell in dolfin.cells(mesh):
        index = cell.index()
        for field_ind, dm_l in enumerate(dms):
                index * num_entity_dofs
                + field_ind : (index + 1) * num_entity_dofs
                + field_ind : num_fields
            ] = dms[field_ind].cell_dofs(index)

    return entity_to_dof

class DOLFINParameterizedODE(ParameterizedODE):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.field_params: dict[KeyType, dolfin.Function] = kwargs.get(
        self.changed_scalar_parameters: dict[KeyType, float] = kwargs.get(
        self.changed_field_parameters: list[KeyType] = kwargs.get(
        self._initial_conditions = self.default_initial_conditions()
        init_conditions = kwargs.get("init_conditions", {})

    def default_initial_conditions(self) -> dict[str, float]:
        return dict(zip(self.state_names, self.get_ic()))

    def from_ode(cls, ode: ParameterizedODE):
        if isinstance(ode, DOLFINParameterizedODE):
            return ode
        field_params = getattr(ode, "field_params", {})
        changed_scalar_parameters = getattr(ode, "changed_scalar_parameters", {})
        changed_field_parameters = getattr(ode, "changed_field_parameters", [])
        return cls(

    def num_states(self):
        # Make compatible with cbcbeat
        return super().num_states

    def set_parameter(self, name, value):
        assert isinstance(name, str), "expected a str as the name argument"
        assert isinstance(
            (int, float, dolfin.Function),
        ), "expected a scalar or a Function for the value argument"
        if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
            self._cpp_object.set_parameter(name, value)
            self.changed_scalar_parameters[name] = value

            field_param_names = self.field_parameter_names
            assert (
                name in field_param_names
            ), f"'{name}' is not a field parameter in this ode"
            self.field_params[name] = value

    def convert(
        odes: typing.Union[ParameterizedODE, dict[int, ParameterizedODE]],
    ) -> dict[int, DOLFINParameterizedODE]:
        if isinstance(odes, ParameterizedODE):
            return {0: DOLFINParameterizedODE.from_ode(odes)}

        return {
            label: DOLFINParameterizedODE.from_ode(ode) for label, ode in odes.items()

    def set_initial_conditions(self, **init):
        "Update initial_conditions in model"
        for init_name, init_value in init.items():
            if init_name not in self._initial_conditions:
                raise RuntimeError("'{init_name}' is not a parameter in {self}")
            if not isinstance(init_value, (float, int)) and not isinstance(
                raise RuntimeError("'{init_name}' is not a scalar or a GenericFunction")
            if (
                hasattr(init_value, "_cpp_object")
                and isinstance(
                and init_value._cpp_object.value_size() != 1
                raise RuntimeError("expected the value_size of '{init_name}' to be 1")
            self._initial_conditions[init_name] = init_value

    def initial_conditions(self) -> dolfin.Expression:
        "Return initial conditions for v and s as an Expression."
        return dolfin.Expression(

    def field_state_initial_conditions(self) -> dolfin.Expression:
        "Return initial conditions for v and s as an Expression."
        ic = {
            name: value
            for name, value in self._initial_conditions.items()
            if name in self.field_state_names
        if len(ic) == 1:
            # Make sure expression has rank 0
            return dolfin.Expression(*self.field_state_names, degree=1, **ic)
        # Otherwise expression will have rank 1
        return dolfin.Expression(self.field_state_names, degree=1, **ic)

def family_and_degree_from_str(space: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, int]:
    assert isinstance(space, str), "expected a str as the 'space' argument"

    family, degree = space.split("_")

    if family in ["P", "CG"]:
        family = "Lagrange"
    return family, int(degree)

class GossDofs(typing.NamedTuple):
    num_dofs: dict[KeyType, int]
    goss_values: dict[KeyType, np.ndarray]
    goss_indices: dict[KeyType, dict[KeyType, np.ndarray]]
    dof_maps: dict[KeyType, np.ndarray]
    mesh_entities: dict[KeyType, np.ndarray]
    nested_dofs: bool
    dolfin_values: np.ndarray

def first_value(d: dict):
    """Get the first value in a dictionary"""
    return next(iter(d.values()))

def setup_dofs(
    V: dolfin.FunctionSpace,
    field_names: list[str],
    domains: typing.Optional[dolfin.cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionSizet] = None,
    distinct_domains: typing.Optional[list[int]] = None,
    mesh = V.mesh()

    num_field_states = len(field_names)
    # TODO assert size of V matches num_field_states

    family = V.ufl_element().family()

    top_dim = mesh.topology().dim()
    if distinct_domains is None:
        distinct_domains = [0]
        if domains is not None:
            check_domains_dim(domains, family)
            distinct_domains = list(sorted(set(domains.array())))
    # Create dof storage for the dolfin function

    # Get the mesh entity to dof mappings
    mesh_entity_to_dof = entity_to_dofs(V)
    first_dof, last_dof = V.dofmap().ownership_range()
    num_local_dofs = last_dof - first_dof

    # Extract dof and mesh entity information
    num_dofs: dict[KeyType, int] = {}
    goss_values: dict[KeyType, np.ndarray] = {}
    goss_indices: dict[KeyType, dict[KeyType, np.ndarray]] = {}
    dof_maps: dict[KeyType, np.ndarray] = {}
    mesh_entities: dict[KeyType, np.ndarray] = {}

    nested_dofs = len(distinct_domains) > 1 or num_field_states > 1

    float_type = np.float_

    for label in distinct_domains:
        dof_maps[label] = {key: [] for key in field_names}
        if num_field_states > 1:
            num_entity_dofs_scalar = V.sub(0).dofmap().num_entity_dofs(top_dim)
            num_entity_dofs_scalar = V.dofmap().num_entity_dofs(top_dim)

        # If domains given
        if domains:
            local_mesh_entities = (domains.array() == label).nonzero()[0]
            if family == "Lagrange":
                mesh_entities[label] = local_mesh_entities
                mesh_entities_all = np.zeros(
                    len(local_mesh_entities) * num_entity_dofs_scalar,
                for index in range(num_entity_dofs_scalar):
                    mesh_entities_all[index::num_entity_dofs_scalar] = (
                        local_mesh_entities * num_entity_dofs_scalar + index

                mesh_entities[label] = mesh_entities_all

            num_entities = (
                if family == "Lagrange"
                else mesh.num_cells() * num_entity_dofs_scalar
            mesh_entities[label] = np.arange(num_entities, dtype=np.uintp)

        for local_dof_offset in range(num_field_states):
            local_entities = mesh_entities[label] * num_field_states + local_dof_offset
            dofs = mesh_entity_to_dof[local_entities]
            dof_maps[label][field_names[local_dof_offset]] = dofs[
                (0 <= dofs) * (dofs < num_local_dofs)

        # Check we have the same number of dofs per field name.
        if len(field_names) > 1:
            assert all(
                len(dof_maps[label][field_names[0]]) == len(dof_maps[label][field_name])
                for field_name in field_names[1:]
            ), ("expected all " "fields to have the same number of dofs")

        # Num dofs per field state per label (only store one of the
        # field states as it has to be the same for all field states)
        num_dofs[label] = len(dof_maps[label][field_names[0]])

        # Store the dofs as numpy arrays
        for names, value in dof_maps[label].items():
            dof_maps[label][names] = np.array(value, dtype=np.intc)

        # Allocate memory for value transfer to ODESystemSolver
        goss_values[label] = np.zeros(
            num_dofs[label] * num_field_states,

        # Create a nested index set for putting values into field_states
        # in a ODESystemSolver
        goss_indices[label] = {
            key: np.arange(
                num_dofs[label] * num_field_states + offset,
            for offset, key in enumerate(field_names)

    # Allocate memory for accessing values from DOLFIN Function
    if nested_dofs:
        # Always use np.float_ for the dolfin_values
        dolfin_values = np.concatenate(
            tuple(value for value in goss_values.values()),
        # If not nested_dofs just grab the goss_value array
        if float_type == np.float32:
            dolfin_values = first_value(goss_values).astype(np.float_)
            dolfin_values = first_value(goss_values)

    # A dof index array used to access the dofs from the dolfin vector
    dof_maps["dolfin"] = np.arange(len(dolfin_values), dtype=np.intc)

    return GossDofs(

def check_domains_dim(domains, family):
    top_dim = top_dim = domains.mesh().topology().dim()
    expected_dim = 0 if family == "Lagrange" else top_dim
    assert domains.dim() == expected_dim, (
        "expected a domain to be a "
        f"MeshFunction of topological dimension {expected_dim} "
        f"for space with family {family}, got {domains.dim()}"

def check_domains(domains, odes, mesh, space) -> list[int]:
    family, degree = family_and_degree_from_str(space)

    assert isinstance(domains, dolfin.cpp.mesh.MeshFunctionSizet), (
        "expected a "
        "MeshFunction as the domains argument when more than "
        "1 ODE is given"
    check_domains_dim(domains, family)

    # Check given domains
    distinct_domains = list(sorted(set(domains.array())))
    assert dolfin.MPI.max(mesh.mpi_comm(), len(distinct_domains)) == dolfin.MPI.max(
    ), (
        "expected the number "
        "of distinct domains to be the same as the number of ODEs"

    # Check and compare the number of field states
    first_ode = first_value(odes)
    assert all(
        first_ode.num_field_states == ode.num_field_states for ode in odes.values()
    ), "expected all odes to have the same number of field states"

    assert all(
        first_ode.field_state_names == ode.field_state_names for ode in odes.values()
    ), (
        "expected all odes to have the same name and order "
        "of the field states (Might be changed in the future.)"
    return distinct_domains

[docs]class DOLFINODESystemSolver: """ DOLFINODESystemSolver is an adapter class for goss.ODESystemSolver making interfacing DOLFIN easier """ @staticmethod def default_parameters(): return { "solver": "GRL1", "num_threads": 0, "use_cuda": False, "space": "P_1", } @staticmethod def default_parameters_dolfin(): p = dolfin.Parameters("DOLFINODESystemSolver") for k, v in DOLFINODESystemSolver.default_parameters().items(): p.add(k, v) return p def __init__( # noqa: C901 self, mesh, odes, domains=None, params=None, ): """ Arguments: ---------- mesh : Mesh The domain. By default ODE dofs lives on the vertices. odes : ParameterizedODE, dict The ParameterizedODE, to be solved in each mesh entity. If a dict the keys defines the domain and the values defines the ODE should be solved on. domains : MeshFunction (optional) A MeshFunction describing the distribution of the ODEs over the mesh. space : str (optional) A str representing the space the dolfin Function holding fields states should live in. For now only P1, DGX, and QX are allowed. params : dict (optional) A dict providing parameters for the Solvers """ # FIXME: This function is way to long assert isinstance(mesh, dolfin.Mesh), ( "expected a dolfin Mesh " "or domain for the mesh argument" ) assert isinstance(odes, (dict, ParameterizedODE)), ( "expected a" " dict or a ParameterizedODE for the odes argument" ) params = params or {} self.parameters = self.default_parameters() self.parameters.update(params) solver: solvers.ODESolver = eval(self.parameters["solver"], solvers.__dict__)() solver.update_parameters(self.parameters.get("solver_parameters", {})) odes = DOLFINParameterizedODE.convert(odes) # Get family and degree from str family, degree = family_and_degree_from_str(self.parameters["space"]) distinct_domains = [0] if len(odes) > 1: distinct_domains = check_domains( domains, odes, mesh, self.parameters["space"], ) # else: # FIXME: Do we really need to check this? # assert domains is None, ( # "domains only expected when more than 1 " "ODE is given" # ) ode = first_value(odes) num_field_states = ode.num_field_states field_names = ode.field_state_names distinct_domains = list(odes.keys()) if num_field_states > 1: element = dolfin.VectorElement( family=family, cell=mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=degree, quad_scheme="default", dim=num_field_states, ) else: element = dolfin.FiniteElement( family=family, cell=mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=degree, quad_scheme="default", ) V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, element) dofs = setup_dofs( V=V, field_names=field_names, domains=domains, distinct_domains=distinct_domains, ) float_type = np.float_ # Store arguments self._mesh = mesh self._odes = odes self._domains = domains self._float_type = float_type self._state_space = V self._saved_states = {} # Current and previous solution self.vs = dolfin.Function(V) self.vs_ = dolfin.Function(V) # Instantiate the ODESystemSolvers self._ode_system_solvers = { label: ODESystemSolver( num_nodes=dofs.num_dofs[label], solver=solver.copy(), ode=odes[label], ) for label in distinct_domains } # Set num of threads for solver in self._ode_system_solvers.values(): solver.num_threads = self.parameters["num_threads"] # Check for field parameters and set any changed parameters self._field_params_dofs = {} self._param_values = {} for label in distinct_domains: ode = odes[label] # If there are no field parameters if ode.num_field_parameters == 0: continue # Check for any field params on this domain if len(ode.field_params) > 0: # function space of parameter Function V_param = first_value(ode.field_params).function_space() assert ( V_param.ufl_element().family() == family and V_param.ufl_element().degree() == degree ), ( "Expected space of ODESystemSolver to be the same as " "passed field_parameters." ) # Mesh entity and dof mappings first_dof_param, last_dof_param = V_param.dofmap().ownership_range() num_local_param_dofs = last_dof_param - first_dof_param mesh_entity_to_dof_param = entity_to_dofs(V_param) # Get dofs local to geometric domain _dofs = mesh_entity_to_dof_param[dofs.mesh_entities[label]] _dofs = _dofs[(0 <= _dofs) * (_dofs < num_local_param_dofs)] self._field_params_dofs[label] = _dofs # Init memory for setting field_parameters self._param_values[label] = np.zeros( dofs.num_dofs[label] * ode.num_field_parameters, dtype=float_type, ) for local_id, param in enumerate(ode.field_parameter_names): if param in ode.changed_field_parameters: if dofs.nested_dofs: self._param_values[label][ local_id :: ode.num_field_parameters ] = ( ode.field_params[param] .vector() .get_local()[self._field_params_dofs[label]] ) else: self._param_values[label][ local_id :: ode.num_field_parameters ] = (ode.field_params[param].vector().get_local()) else: self._param_values[label][ local_id :: ode.num_field_parameters ] = ode.get_parameter(param) # Reset any changed field parameters ode.changed_field_parameters = [] # Set field_parameter values if label in self._param_values: self._ode_system_solvers[label].field_parameters = ( self._param_values[label], ) # Store dof mapping and field value storages self._dofs = dofs # self._dof_maps = dof_maps # self._goss_values = goss_values # self._goss_indices = goss_indices # self._num_dofs = num_dofs self._field_names = field_names self._num_field_states = len(field_names) self._num_distinct_domains = len(distinct_domains) self._distinct_domains = distinct_domains # self._nested_dofs = nested_dofs self.initial_conditions_to_field_states() self.from_field_states() self.vs_.assign(self.vs)
[docs] def solution_fields(self): """ Return tuple of previous and current solution objects. """ return (self.vs_, self.vs)
[docs] def update_parameters(self): """ Update the values in the any changed parameters """ for label in self._distinct_domains: ode = self._odes[label] # field_params_changed = False for local_id, param in enumerate(ode.field_parameter_names): if param in ode.changed_field_parameters: # field_params_changed = True if self._dofs.nested_dofs: self._param_values[label][ local_id :: ode.num_field_parameters ] = ( ode.field_params[param] .vector() .get_local()[self._field_params_dofs[label]] ) else: self._param_values[label][ local_id :: ode.num_field_parameters ] = (ode.field_params[param].vector().get_local()) # Update system solver if ode.changed_field_parameters: self._ode_system_solvers[label].field_parameters = ( self._param_values[label], ) ode.changed_field_parameters = []
@property def field_names(self): return self._field_names @property def num_field_states(self): return len(self._field_names) @property def state_space(self): return self._state_space @property def num_distinct_domains(self): return self._num_distinct_domains
[docs] def from_field_states(self): """ Copy values in stored field states to v """ # Get values from dolfin values = self._dofs.dolfin_values # Update solver with new field_state values for label, ode_system_solver in self._ode_system_solvers.items(): # Fetch solution from stored field states self._dofs.goss_values[label] = ode_system_solver.field_states.ravel() # Iterate over the fields and collect values and put back # into dolfin transit array if nested dofs if self._dofs.nested_dofs: for field_name in self._field_names: goss_indices = self._dofs.goss_indices[label][field_name] dof_maps = self._dofs.dof_maps[label][field_name] # Get each field for each distinct domain values[dof_maps] = self._dofs.goss_values[label][goss_indices] else: values[:] = self._dofs.goss_values[label] # Put solution back into DOLFIN Function self.vs.vector()[self._dofs.dof_maps["dolfin"]] = values
[docs] def initial_conditions_to_field_states(self): """ Copy values from initial conditions to stored field states """ V = self.vs.function_space() # Update solver with new field_state values for label, ode_system_solver in self._ode_system_solvers.items(): ic = ode_system_solver.ode.field_state_initial_conditions() values = dolfin.interpolate(ic, V).vector().get_local() # Iterate over the fields and collect values if nested dofs if self._dofs.nested_dofs: for field_name in self._field_names: goss_indices = self._dofs.goss_indices[label][field_name] dof_maps = self._dofs.dof_maps[label][field_name] # Get each field for each distinct domain self._dofs.goss_values[label][goss_indices] = values[dof_maps] # If single precision we need to copy else: self._dofs.goss_values[label][:] = values ode_system_solver.field_states = self._dofs.goss_values[label]
[docs] def to_field_states(self): """ Copy values in v to stored field states """ # Get values from dolfin values = self._dofs.dolfin_values values[:] = self.vs.vector()[self._dofs.dof_maps["dolfin"]] # Update solver with new field_state values for label, ode_system_solver in self._ode_system_solvers.items(): # Iterate over the fields and collect values if nested dofs if self._dofs.nested_dofs: for field_name in self._field_names: goss_indices = self._dofs.goss_indices[label][field_name] dof_maps = self._dofs.dof_maps[label][field_name] # Get each field for each distinct domain self._dofs.goss_values[label][goss_indices] = values[dof_maps] # If single precision we need to copy else: self._dofs.goss_values[label][:] = values # Transfer values to Solver ode_system_solver.field_states = self._dofs.goss_values[label]
[docs] def step(self, interval: typing.Tuple[float, float]) -> None: """Solve on the given time step (t0, t1). End users are recommended to use solve instead. Parameters ---------- interval : typing.Tuple[float, float] The time interval (t0, t1) for the step v : dolfin.Function The function to store the solution """ timer = dolfin.Timer("ODE step") # noqa: F841 (t0, t1) = interval dt = t1 - t0 # Set-up current variables self.vs.assign(self.vs_) # Start with good guess # Update local field states self.to_field_states() # Update any changed field_parameters self.update_parameters() # Step solvers for label, ode_system_solver in self._ode_system_solvers.items(): ode_system_solver.forward(t0, dt) # Copy solution from local field states self.from_field_states()
[docs] def save_states(self): """ Save the present state """ # If not create copy the states and exit if not self._saved_states: self._saved_states = dict( (label, ode_system_solver.states().copy()) for label, ode_system_solver in self._ode_system_solvers.items() ) return # Save states for each solver for label, ode_system_solver in self._ode_system_solvers.items(): self._saved_states[label][:] = ode_system_solver.states()
[docs] def restore_states(self): """ Restore the states from any saved states """ # If not create copy the states and exit if not self._saved_states: raise RuntimeError("Cannot restore any states when none are saved.") # Restore the states from the saved one for label, ode_system_solver in self._ode_system_solvers.items(): ode_system_solver.states()[:] = self._saved_states[label]