Command line interface

Command line interface#

Once installed, you can run a simulation using the command

python3 -m simcardems


$ python3 -m simcardems --help
Usage: python -m simcardems [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.


to see all commands. Run run a simulation using command line arguments you can use the run command. You can execute

$ python3 -m simcardems run --help
Usage: python -m simcardems run [OPTIONS] GEOMETRY_PATH

  -s, --geometry-schema-path TEXT
                                  Schema for the geometry. If not provided it
                                  will assume that this file has the same file
                                  name as `geometry-path` but with the suffix
  -o, --outdir PATH               Output directory
  --dt FLOAT                      Time step
  -T, --end-time FLOAT            End-time of simulation
  -n, --num_refinements INTEGER   Number of refinements of for the mesh using
                                  in the EP model
  --save_freq INTEGER             Set frequency of saving results to file
  --set_material TEXT             Choose material properties for mechanics
                                  model (default is HolzapfelOgden, option is
  --bnd_cond [dirichlet|rigid]    Boundary conditions for the mechanics
  --load_state                    If load existing state if exists, otherwise
                                  create a new state
  -IC, --cell_init_file TEXT      Path to file containing initial conditions
                                  (json or h5 file). If none is provided then
                                  the default initial conditions will be used
  --loglevel INTEGER              How much printing. DEBUG: 10, INFO:20
                                  (default), WARNING: 30
  --show_progress_bar / --hide_progress_bar
                                  Shows or hide the progress bar.
  --drug_factors_file TEXT        Set drugs scaling factors (json file)
  --popu_factors_file TEXT        Set population scaling factors (json file)
  --disease_state TEXT            Indicate disease state. Default is healthy.
  --mechanics-ode-scheme [fd|bd|analytic]
                                  Scheme used to solve the ODEs in the
                                  mechanics model
  --mechanics-use-continuation BOOLEAN
                                  Use continuation based mechanics solver
  --mechanics-use-custom-newton-solver BOOLEAN
                                  Use custom newton solver and solve ODEs at
                                  each Newton iteration
  --pcl FLOAT                     Pacing cycle length (ms)
  --spring FLOAT                  Set value of spring for Robin boundary
  --traction FLOAT                Set value of traction for Neumann boundary
  --help                          Show this message and exit.his message and exit.

to see all options. For example if you want to run a simulations with T 100, using the slab geometry in the demo folder, then use

python3 -m simcardems run -T 100 demos/geometries/slab.h5

You can also specify a json file containing all the settings, e.g a file called args.json with the following content

    "T": 100,
    "geometry_path": "demos/geometries/slab.h5",
    "outdir": "results_rigid",
    "bnd_cond": "rigid",
    "dt": 0.02,

and then run the simulation run-json command

python3 -m simcardems run-json args.json

simcardems relies on the seamlessly parallel MPI-based implementation offered by FEniCS, providing good scalability on high performance computing clusters. You can run a simulation in parallel without changing anything in the code, using the mpirun command which takes the number of processors to be used (as option -np). Although the progress bar indicating the progress of the simulation looks very nice on one processor, its display might become troublesome on HPC clusters. We recommend using the option --hide_progress_bar when running simulations in parallel. The command to run the previous simulation with T 1000 on 2 processors then becomes :

mpirun -np 2 python3 -m simcardems run -T 1000 --hide_progress_bar

One shall also note that good scalability is only obtained on “big enough” problems (e.g. not on the small demo example)