Source code for simcardems.datacollector

import weakref
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import cbcbeat
import dolfin
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pulse
from dolfin import FiniteElement  # noqa: F401
from dolfin import tetrahedron  # noqa: F401
from dolfin import VectorElement  # noqa: F401
from typing_extensions import Literal

from . import utils
from .geometry import BaseGeometry
from .geometry import load_geometry
from .save_load_functions import h5pyfile
from .value_extractor import ValueExtractor

logger = utils.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DataGroups(Enum): ep = "ep" mechanics = "mechanics"
[docs] def assign_item_is_None( f: Optional[dolfin.Function], assigner: Optional[dolfin.FunctionAssigner], index: Optional[int], ) -> bool: if f is None: return True if assigner is None: return True if index is None: return True return False
[docs] class Assigners: """Helper class to assign subfunctions from EP and Mechanics state""" def __init__( self, *, vs: Optional[cbcbeat.SplittingSolver] = None, mech_state: Optional[pulse.MechanicsProblem] = None, ) -> None: self.vs = vs self.mech_state = mech_state self.functions: Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.Function]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, } self.assigners: Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.FunctionAssigner]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, } self.subspace_indices: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, } self.pre_functions: Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.Function]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, } self.pre_assigners: Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.FunctionAssigner]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, } self.pre_subspace_indices: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, }
[docs] def assign(self) -> None: self.assign_mechanics() self.assign_ep()
[docs] def assign_pre(self) -> None: self.assign_pre_mechanics() self.assign_ep()
def _get( self, is_pre: bool, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.Function]], Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.FunctionAssigner]], Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], ]: if is_pre: return (self.pre_functions, self.pre_assigners, self.pre_subspace_indices) else: return (self.functions, self.assigners, self.subspace_indices) def _assign_mechanics(self, is_pre: bool) -> None: functions, assigners, subspace_indices = self._get(is_pre) keys = assigners["mechanics"].keys() if len(keys) == 0: return if self.mech_state is None: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to assign mechanics, no mechanics state registered", ) for name in keys: assigner = assigners["mechanics"].get(name) index = subspace_indices["mechanics"].get(name) f = functions["mechanics"].get(name) if assign_item_is_None(f, assigner, index): continue # Could ass a typeguard here: # but this will need python3.10 assigner.assign(f, utils.sub_function(self.mech_state, index)) # type: ignore
[docs] def assign_pre_mechanics(self) -> None: self._assign_mechanics(is_pre=True)
[docs] def assign_mechanics(self) -> None: self._assign_mechanics(is_pre=False)
def _assign_ep(self, is_pre: bool) -> None: functions, assigners, subspace_indices = self._get(is_pre) keys = assigners["ep"].keys() if len(keys) == 0: return if self.vs is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to assign EP, no EP state registered") for name in keys: assigner = assigners["ep"].get(name) index = subspace_indices["ep"].get(name) f = functions["ep"].get(name) if assign_item_is_None(f, assigner, index): continue # Could ass a typeguard here: # but this will need python3.10 assigner.assign(f, utils.sub_function(self.vs, index)) # type: ignore
[docs] def assign_pre_ep(self) -> None: self._assign_ep(is_pre=True)
[docs] def assign_ep(self) -> None: self._assign_ep(is_pre=False)
[docs] def compute_pre_norm(self): norm = 0.0 hit = False for group in ["ep", "mechanics"]: for name, pre_func in self.pre_functions[group].items(): if name in self.functions[group]: hit = True norm += utils.compute_norm(self.functions[group][name], pre_func) if not hit: # We never computed any norm so we should not interpret # the norm as zero, but rather assume that the norm is large # so that we actually solve in case we rely on this value as # a threshold return np.inf return norm
[docs] def register_subfunction( self, name: str, group: Literal["ep", "mechanics"], subspace_index: int, is_pre: bool = False, ) -> None: func = self.vs if group == "ep" else self.mech_state f, assigner = utils.setup_assigner(func, subspace_index) functions, assigners, subspace_indices = self._get(is_pre) functions[group][name] = f assigners[group][name] = assigner subspace_indices[group][name] = subspace_index
[docs] class InvalidReductionError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs] class DataCollector: def __init__( self, outdir, geo: BaseGeometry, outfilename: str = "results.h5", reset_state=True, ) -> None: self.outdir = Path(outdir) self._results_file = self.outdir / outfilename self.comm = geo.mesh.mpi_comm() self._value_extractor = ValueExtractor(geo) file_exist = False if reset_state: logger.debug("Reset state") utils.remove_file(self._results_file, comm=self.comm) else: dolfin.MPI.barrier(self.comm) if self.comm.rank == 0: file_exist = self._results_file.is_file() file_exist = self.comm.bcast(file_exist, root=0) dolfin.MPI.barrier(self.comm) self._times_stamps = set() logger.debug(f"File {self._results_file} exists: {file_exist}") if not file_exist: logger.debug("Dump geometry") geo.dump(self.results_file) logger.debug("Done with dumping geometry") from . import __version__ from packaging.version import parse version = parse(__version__) if self.comm.rank == 0: with h5pyfile(self._results_file, "a", force_serial=True) as f: f.create_dataset("version_major", data=version.major) f.create_dataset("version_minor", data=version.minor) f.create_dataset("version_micro", data=version.micro) else: logger.debug("Try to read time stamps") try: with h5pyfile(self._results_file, "r") as f: self._times_stamps = set(f["ep"]["V"].keys()) except KeyError: pass logger.debug("Done in datacollector init") self._functions: Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.Function]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, } self._reductions: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = { "ep": {}, "mechanics": {}, } # Let us synchronize so that we done have any processors # that starts storing data before all processors get here # dolfin.MPI.barrier(self.comm) @property def valid_reductions(self) -> List[str]: return ["full", "average"] + list(self._value_extractor.boundary.nodes()) @property def results_file(self): return self._results_file.as_posix()
[docs] def register( self, group: str, name: str, f: dolfin.Function, reduction: str = "full", ) -> None: assert group in [ "ep", "mechanics", ], f"Group has to be 'ep' or 'mechanics', got {group}" if name in self.names[group]: logger.warning( f"Warning: {name} in group {group} is already registered - overwriting", ) if reduction not in self.valid_reductions: # Check that we have a valid reduction raise InvalidReductionError( "Invalid reduction {reduction}. Possible options are {}", ) self._functions[group][name] = f self._reductions[group][name] = reduction
@property def names(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: return {k: list(v.keys()) for k, v in self._functions.items()} @property def function_names(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: return {k: [k1 for k1, v1 in v.items() if v1 is not None] for k, v in self._functions.items()}
[docs] def store(self, t: float) -> None: t_str = f"{t:.2f}" logger.debug(f"Store results at time {t_str}") if f"{t_str}" in self._times_stamps:"Time stamp {t_str} already exist in file") return self._times_stamps.add(t_str) # First do the full values logger.debug( f"Store in file : {self.results_file}, exists: {Path(self.results_file).exists()}", ) with dolfin.HDF5File(self.comm, self.results_file, "a") as h5file: for group, names in self.names.items(): logger.debug( f"1. Save full states in HDF5File {self.results_file} for group {group}", ) for name in names: logger.debug( f"1. Save {name}: reduction {self._reductions[group][name]}", ) if self._reductions[group][name] == "full": f = self._functions[group][name] h5file.write(f, f"{group}/{name}/{t_str}") # Next do the other reductions with h5pyfile(self.results_file, "a", comm=self.comm) as h5file: for group, names in self.names.items(): logger.debug( f"2. Save reduced states in HDF5File {self.results_file} for group {group}", ) for name in names: logger.debug( f"2. Save {name}, reduction: {self._reductions[group][name]}", ) if self._reductions[group][name] == "full": continue logger.debug("Here") f = self._functions[group][name] value = self._value_extractor.eval( f, value=self._reductions[group][name], ) if f"{group}/{name}" not in h5file: h5file.create_group(f"{group}/{name}") h5file[f"{group}/{name}"].create_dataset(t_str, data=value) logger.debug("Done storing")
[docs] def save_residual(self, residual, index): logger.debug("Save residual") with h5pyfile(self._results_file, "a") as h5file: if "residual" not in h5file: h5file.create_group("residual") h5file["residual"].create_dataset(str(index), data=residual)
[docs] def close_h5file(h5file): if h5file is not None: h5file.close()
[docs] def close_h5pyfile(h5pyfile): if h5pyfile is not None: h5pyfile.__exit__()
[docs] def extract_number_from_h5py(dataset: Optional[h5py.Dataset]) -> Optional[int]: if isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset): return dataset[...].item() return None
[docs] class DataLoader: def __init__(self, h5name: utils.PathLike, empty_ok: bool = False) -> None: self._h5file = None self._h5pyfile = None self._h5name = Path(h5name) if not self._h5name.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {h5name} does not exist") self.geo = load_geometry(self._h5name) self._gather_h5py_attributes(empty_ok=empty_ok) self._h5file = dolfin.HDF5File( self.geo.comm(), self._h5name.as_posix(), "r", ) self._create_functions() self.value_extractor = ValueExtractor(self.geo) self._finalizer_h5file = weakref.finalize(self, close_h5file, self._h5file) self._finalizer_h5pyfile = weakref.finalize( self, close_h5pyfile, self._h5pyfile, ) def _bcast_attributes(self) -> None: comm = self.geo.comm() if dolfin.MPI.size(comm) == 1: # There is nothing to do return dolfin.MPI.barrier(comm) self.version_major: Optional[int] = comm.bcast(self.version_major, root=0) self.version_minor: Optional[int] = comm.bcast(self.version_minor, root=0) self.version_micro: Optional[int] = comm.bcast(self.version_micro, root=0) self.names: Dict[str, List[str]] = comm.bcast(self.names, root=0) self.time_stamps: Optional[np.ndarray] = comm.bcast(self.time_stamps, root=0) self._signatures: Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = comm.bcast( self._signatures, root=0, ) self._residual: List[float] = comm.bcast(self._residual, root=0) dolfin.MPI.barrier(comm) def _gather_h5py_attributes(self, empty_ok=False): if dolfin.MPI.rank(self.geo.comm()) == 0: self._h5pyfile = h5pyfile( self._h5name, "r", comm=self.geo.comm(), force_serial=True, ).__enter__() self.version_major = extract_number_from_h5py( self._h5pyfile.get("version_major"), ) self.version_minor = extract_number_from_h5py( self._h5pyfile.get("version_minor"), ) self.version_micro = extract_number_from_h5py( self._h5pyfile.get("version_micro"), ) # Find the remaining functions self.names = { group: [name for name in self._h5pyfile.get(group, {}).keys()] for group in ["ep", "mechanics"] } if not empty_ok and len(self.names["ep"]) + len(self.names["mechanics"]) == 0: raise ValueError("No functions found in results file") # Get time stamps all_time_stamps = { "{group}:{name}": sorted( list(self._h5pyfile[group][name].keys()), key=lambda x: float(x), ) for group, names in self.names.items() for name in names } # An verify that they are all the same self.time_stamps = None if not all_time_stamps else all_time_stamps[next(iter(all_time_stamps.keys()))] for name in all_time_stamps.keys(): assert self.time_stamps == all_time_stamps[name], name if not empty_ok and (self.time_stamps is None or len(self.time_stamps) == 0): raise ValueError("No time stamps found") # Get the signatures - self._signatures = {} for group, names in self.names.items(): self._signatures[group] = {} for name in names: try: self._signatures[group][name] = ( self._h5pyfile[group][name][self.time_stamps[0]] # type: ignore .attrs["signature"] .decode() ) except KeyError: self._signatures[group][name] = None if "residual" in self._h5pyfile: self._residual = [self._h5pyfile["residual"][k][...] for k in self._h5pyfile["residual"].keys()] else: self._residual = [] else: # Get these from broadcasting self.version_major = None self.version_minor = None self.version_micro = None self.names = {} self.time_stamps = None self._signatures = {} self._residual = [] dolfin.MPI.barrier(self.geo.comm()) self._bcast_attributes() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.cleanup()
[docs] def cleanup(self): self._finalizer_h5file() self._finalizer_h5pyfile()
@property def function_names(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: return {k: [k1 for k1, v1 in v.items() if v1 is not None] for k, v in self._functions.items()} @property def residual(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: return self._residual @property def ep_mesh(self): return self.geo.ep_mesh @property def mech_mesh(self): return self.geo.mechanics_mesh @property def size(self) -> int: if self.time_stamps is None: return 0 return len(self.time_stamps) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self._h5name)})" def _create_functions(self): self._function_spaces = {} logger.debug(f"Create functions from signatures: {self._signatures}") for group, signature_dict in sorted(self._signatures.items()): mesh = self.ep_mesh if group == "ep" else self.mech_mesh fs_group = {} for signature in sorted(set(signature_dict.values())): logger.debug(signature) fs_group[signature] = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, eval(signature)) self._function_spaces[group] = fs_group self._functions = { group: { name: dolfin.Function( self._function_spaces[group][self._signatures[group][name]], ) for name in names if self._signatures[group][name] is not None } for group, names in self.names.items() } self._dofs = { group: {name: func.function_space().tabulate_dof_coordinates() for name, func in functions.items()} for group, functions in self._functions.items() }
[docs] def extract_value( self, group: DataGroups, name: str, t: Union[str, float], reduction: str = "average", ): func = self.get(group, name, t) if isinstance(func, dolfin.Function): dofs = self._dofs[self._group_to_str(group)][name] return self.value_extractor.eval(func, value=reduction, dofs=dofs) return func
def _group_to_str(self, group): group_str = utils.enum2str(group, DataGroups) if group_str not in self.names: raise KeyError( f"Cannot find group {group} in names, expected of of {self.names.keys()}", ) return group_str
[docs] def get( self, group: DataGroups, name: str, t: Union[str, float], ) -> dolfin.Function: """Retrieve the function from the file Parameters ---------- group : DataGroups The group where the function is stored, either 'ep' or 'mechanics' name : str Name of the function t : Union[str, float] Time stamp you want to use. See `DataLoader.time_stamps` Returns ------- dolfin.Function The function Raises ------ KeyError If group does not exist in the file KeyError If name does not exist in group KeyError If 't' provided is not among the time stamps """ if self._h5file is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to read from file {self._h5name}") group_str = self._group_to_str(group) names = self.names[group_str] if f"{name}" not in names: raise KeyError( f"Cannot find name {name} in group {group}. Possible options are {names}", ) if isinstance(t, (int, float)): t = f"{t:.2f}" if self.time_stamps is None: raise RuntimeError("No data found in result file") if t not in self.time_stamps: raise KeyError(f"Invalid time stamps {t}") try: func = self._functions[group_str][name] except KeyError: comm = self.geo.comm() value = None if dolfin.MPI.rank(comm) == 0: value = self._h5pyfile[group_str][name][t][...].item() # type: ignore value = comm.bcast(value, root=0) return value else:, f"{group_str}/{name}/{t}/") return func