Source code for simcardems.models.em_model

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
from pathlib import Path

import cbcbeat
import dolfin
import pulse

from .. import ep_model
from .. import geometry as _geometry
from .. import mechanics_model
from .. import save_load_functions as io
from .. import utils
from ..config import Config
from ..time_stepper import TimeStepper

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .. import datacollector

logger = utils.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def setup_EM_model( cls_EMCoupling, cls_CellModel, cls_ActiveModel, geometry: _geometry.BaseGeometry, config: typing.Optional[Config] = None, cell_params: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, float]] = None, cell_inits: typing.Optional[dolfin.Function] = None, mech_state_init: typing.Optional[dolfin.Function] = None, state_params: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, float]] = None, ) -> BaseEMCoupling: if config is None: config = Config() if state_params is None: state_params = {} coupling = cls_EMCoupling(geometry, **state_params) cellmodel = ep_model.setup_cell_model( cls=cls_CellModel, coupling=coupling, cell_init_file=config.cell_init_file, drug_factors_file=config.drug_factors_file, popu_factors_file=config.popu_factors_file, disease_state=config.disease_state, cell_inits=cell_inits, cell_params=cell_params, ) # Set-up solver and time it solver = ep_model.setup_solver( coupling=coupling, dt=config.dt, PCL=config.PCL, cellmodel=cellmodel, ) coupling.register_ep_model(solver) mech_heart = mechanics_model.setup_solver( coupling=coupling, bnd_rigid=config.bnd_rigid, pre_stretch=config.pre_stretch, traction=config.traction, spring=config.spring, fix_right_plane=config.fix_right_plane, set_material=config.set_material, use_custom_newton_solver=config.mechanics_use_custom_newton_solver, debug_mode=config.debug_mode, ActiveModel=cls_ActiveModel, ) if mech_state_init is not None: mech_heart.state.assign(mech_state_init) coupling.register_mech_model(mech_heart) coupling.setup_assigners() return coupling
[docs] def setup_EM_model_from_config( config: Config, geometry: typing.Optional[_geometry.BaseGeometry] = None, state_params: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, float]] = None, ) -> BaseEMCoupling: if geometry is None: geometry = _geometry.load_geometry( mesh_path=config.geometry_path, schema_path=config.geometry_schema_path, ) if config.coupling_type == "explicit_ORdmm_Land": from .explicit_ORdmm_Land import EMCoupling, CellModel, ActiveModel elif config.coupling_type == "fully_coupled_ORdmm_Land": from .fully_coupled_ORdmm_Land import EMCoupling, CellModel, ActiveModel # type: ignore elif config.coupling_type == "pureEP_ORdmm_Land": from .pureEP_ORdmm_Land import EMCoupling, CellModel, ActiveModel # type: ignore elif config.coupling_type == "fully_coupled_Tor_Land": from .fully_coupled_Tor_Land import EMCoupling, CellModel, ActiveModel # type: ignore else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid coupling type: {config.coupling_type}") return setup_EM_model( cls_EMCoupling=EMCoupling, cls_CellModel=CellModel, cls_ActiveModel=ActiveModel, geometry=geometry, config=config, state_params=state_params, )
[docs] class BaseEMCoupling: def __init__( self, geometry: _geometry.BaseGeometry, t: float = 0.0, **kwargs, ) -> None: logger.debug("Create EM coupling") self.geometry = geometry self.t = t @property def state_params(self): return {"t": self.t} def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(__o, type(self)): return NotImplemented if self.coupling_type != __o.coupling_type: return False if self.t != __o.t: return False return True
[docs] def register_time_stepper(self, time_stepper: TimeStepper) -> None: self._time_stepper = time_stepper self._t_mechanics_prev = time_stepper.t
@property def dt_mechanics(self) -> float: return TimeStepper.ns2ms(self._time_stepper.t - self._t_mechanics_prev) @property def coupling_type(self): "CustomType"
[docs] def register_ep_model(self, solver: cbcbeat.SplittingSolver) -> None: pass
[docs] def register_mech_model(self, solver: pulse.MechanicsProblem) -> None: pass
[docs] def ep_to_coupling(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def coupling_to_mechanics(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def mechanics_to_coupling(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def coupling_to_ep(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def setup_assigners(self) -> None: from ..datacollector import Assigners self._assigners = Assigners()
[docs] def update_prev_mechanics(self) -> None: self._t_mechanics_prev = self._time_stepper.t
[docs] def update_prev_ep(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def solve_mechanics(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def solve_ep(self, interval: typing.Tuple[float, float]) -> None: pass
@property def assigners(self) -> datacollector.Assigners: return self._assigners
[docs] def save_state( self, path: typing.Union[str, Path], config: typing.Optional[Config] = None, ) -> None: if config is None: logger.warning("Saving state without configuration data") config = Config() config.coupling_type = self.coupling_type io.save_state( path=path, config=config, geo=self.geometry, state_params=self.state_params, )
# Strictly speaking this could be a classmethod but we are # are not using the class
[docs] @staticmethod def from_state( path: typing.Union[str, Path], drug_factors_file: typing.Union[str, Path] = "", popu_factors_file: typing.Union[str, Path] = "", disease_state="healthy", PCL: float = 1000, ): return io.load_state( path=path, drug_factors_file=drug_factors_file, popu_factors_file=popu_factors_file, disease_state=disease_state, PCL=PCL, )
[docs] def register_datacollector(self, collector: datacollector.DataCollector) -> None: for group_name, group in self.assigners.functions.items(): for func_name, func in group.items(): collector.register(group=group_name, name=func_name, f=func)
[docs] def print_mechanics_info(self): pass
[docs] def print_ep_info(self): pass
[docs] def cell_params(self): return {}