Source code for simcardems.postprocess

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import ap_features as apf
import dolfin
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tqdm

    import ufl_legacy as ufl
except ImportError:
    import ufl

from . import utils
from .datacollector import DataCollector
from .datacollector import DataGroups
from .datacollector import DataLoader

logger = utils.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def plot_peaks(fname, data, threshold): # Find peaks for assessment steady state from scipy.signal import find_peaks peak_indices = find_peaks(data, height=threshold) for i, idx in enumerate(peak_indices[0]): if i == 0: x = [idx] y = [data[idx]] else: x.append(idx) y.append(data[idx]) # Calculate difference between consecutive list elements change_y = [(s - q) / q * 100 for q, s in zip(y, y[1:])] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(change_y) ax.set_title("Compare peak values") ax.grid() ax.set_xlabel("Number of beats") ax.set_ylabel("% change from previous beat") fig.savefig(fname, dpi=300)
[docs] def extract_traces( loader: DataLoader, reduction: str = "average", names: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]]: if loader.time_stamps is None: logger.warning("No data found in loader") return {} values = { group: {name: np.zeros(loader.size) for name in names if name != "u"} for group, names in loader.names.items() } if "u" in loader.names.get("mechanics", {}): values["mechanics"]["u"] = np.zeros((loader.size, 3)) values["time"] = np.array(loader.time_stamps, dtype=float)"Extract traces...") for group, names_ in loader.names.items():"Group: {group}") # value_point = getattr(bnd[group], utils.enum2str(point, BoundaryNodes)) datagroup = getattr(DataGroups, utils.enum2str(group, DataGroups)) for name in names_: if names is not None and (group, name) not in names: continue"Name: {name}") for i, t in enumerate(loader.time_stamps): values[group][name][i] = loader.extract_value( datagroup, name, t, reduction=reduction, ) # values["mechanics"]["inv_lmbda"] = 1 - values["mechanics"]["lmbda"] return values
[docs] def plot_state_traces( results_file: utils.PathLike, reduction: str = "average", flag_peaks: bool = True, ): results_file = Path(results_file) if not results_file.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {results_file} does not exist") outdir = results_file.parent loader = DataLoader(results_file) values = extract_traces(loader, reduction=reduction) times = np.array(loader.time_stamps, dtype=float) if times[-1] > 2000 and flag_peaks: plot_peaks( outdir.joinpath("compare-peak-values.png"), values["ep"]["Ca"], 0.0002, ) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True) for i, (group, key) in enumerate( (("ep", "lambda"), ("mechanics", "Ta"), ("ep", "V"), ("ep", "Ca")), ): ax = axs.flatten()[i] try: y = values[group][key] except KeyError: # Just skip it continue ax.plot(times, y) if key == "lambda": ax.set_title(r"$\lambda$") ax.set_ylim(min(0.9, min(y)), max(1.1, max(y))) else: ax.set_title(key) ax.grid() axs[1, 0].set_xlabel("Time [ms]") axs[1, 1].set_xlabel("Time [ms]") fig.savefig(outdir.joinpath(f"state_traces_{reduction}.png"), dpi=300) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True) for i, (group, key, linestyle, color) in enumerate( ( ("ep", "XS", "solid", "blue"), ("ep", "XS", "solid", "blue"), ("ep", "CaTrpn", "solid", "blue"), ("ep", "TmB", "solid", "blue"), ("ep", "Zetas", "solid", "blue"), ("ep", "Zetaw", "solid", "blue"), ("ep", "Cd", "solid", "blue"), ), ): try: y = values[group][key] except KeyError: # Just skip it continue ax = ax2.flatten()[i] ax.plot(times, y, linestyle=linestyle, color=color) ax.set_title(key) ax.grid() for i in range(4): ax2[1, i].set_xlabel("Time [ms]") # If there is a residual.txt file: load and plot these results if loader.residual: # Back to initial dt and time points # dt = 0.05 # FIXME: Do we really want to hardcode in this value? # times_dt = np.arange( # times[0], # times[0] + len(loader.residual) * dt, # dt, # ) # Change this to linspace so that we know that we have the right # number of points times_dt = np.linspace(times[0], times[-1], len(loader.residual)) # First residual residual0 = [res[0] for res in loader.residual] # Final residual residualN = [res[-1] for res in loader.residual] ax00r = ax[0, 0].twinx() ax00r.plot( times_dt, residualN, "--", color="lightcoral", label="Newton residualN", ) ax01r = ax[0, 1].twinx() ax01r.plot( times_dt, residualN, "--", color="lightcoral", label="Newton residualN", ) ax01r.set_ylabel("Newton residual N") ax10r = ax[1, 0].twinx() ax10r.plot( times_dt, residualN, "--", color="lightcoral", label="Newton residualN", ) ax11r = ax[1, 1].twinx() ax11r.plot( times_dt, residualN, "--", color="lightcoral", label="Newton residualN", ) ax11r.set_ylabel("Newton residual N") fig.tight_layout() ax200r = ax2[0, 0].twinx() ax200r.plot(times_dt, residual0, "--", color="grey", label="Newton residual") ax201r = ax2[0, 1].twinx() ax201r.plot(times_dt, residual0, "--", color="grey", label="Newton residual") ax202r = ax2[0, 2].twinx() ax202r.plot(times_dt, residual0, "--", color="grey", label="Newton residual") ax203r = ax2[0, 3].twinx() ax203r.plot(times_dt, residual0, "--", color="grey", label="Newton residual") ax203r.set_ylabel("Newton residual 0") ax210r = ax2[1, 0].twinx() ax210r.plot(times_dt, residual0, "--", color="grey", label="Newton residual") ax211r = ax2[1, 1].twinx() ax211r.plot(times_dt, residual0, "--", color="grey", label="Newton residual") ax213r = ax2[1, 3].twinx() ax213r.plot(times_dt, residual0, "--", color="grey", label="Newton residual") ax213r.set_ylabel("Newton residual 0") fig2.tight_layout() # Create and save figure with Newton residual of first and last iteration figNR, axNR = plt.subplots(1, 1) axNRr = axNR.twinx() axNR.plot(times_dt, residual0, color="grey", label="First res") axNRr.plot(times_dt, residualN, color="lightcoral", label="Last residual") axNR.set_xlabel("Time (ms)") axNR.set_ylabel("Residual 1st Newton iter.") axNRr.set_ylabel("Residual last Newton iter.") axNR.legend(loc="upper left") axNRr.legend(loc="upper right") # figNR.tight_layout() figNR.savefig(outdir.joinpath("NewtonResidual.png"), dpi=300) fig.savefig(outdir.joinpath("state_traces_center.png"), dpi=300) fig2.savefig(outdir.joinpath("state_mech_traces_center.png"), dpi=300)
[docs] def make_xdmffiles(results_file, names=None): loader = DataLoader(results_file) outdir = Path(results_file).parent for group, _names in loader.function_names.items():"Save xdmffile for group {group}") for name in _names: if names is not None and name not in names: continue xdmf = dolfin.XDMFFile( dolfin.MPI.comm_world, outdir.joinpath(f"{group}_{name}.xdmf").as_posix(), )"Save {name}") try: for t in tqdm.tqdm(loader.time_stamps): f = loader.get(group, name, t) xdmf.write_checkpoint( f, name, float(t), dolfin.XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5, True, ) except RuntimeError:"Could not save {name}")
[docs] def ecg_recovery( *, v: dolfin.Function, sigma_b: Union[dolfin.Constant, float], mesh: dolfin.Mesh, dx: Optional[dolfin.Measure] = None, point: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, r: Optional[dolfin.Function] = None, ) -> float: if dx is None: dx = dolfin.dx(domain=mesh) if r is None: r = dolfin.SpatialCoordinate(mesh) - dolfin.Constant(point) r3 = ufl.sqrt((r**2)) ** 3 return (1 / (4 * ufl.pi * sigma_b)) * dolfin.assemble( (ufl.inner(ufl.grad(v), r) / r3) * dx, )
[docs] def ecg( voltage: Iterable[dolfin.Function], sigma_b: float, point1: tuple[float, float, float], point2: tuple[float, float, float], mesh: Optional[dolfin.Mesh] = None, ) -> list[float]: values = [] for v in voltage: if mesh is None: mesh = v.function_space().mesh() phi1 = ecg_recovery(v=v, sigma_b=sigma_b, point=point1, mesh=mesh) phi2 = ecg_recovery(v=v, sigma_b=sigma_b, point=point2, mesh=mesh) values.append(phi1 - phi2) return values
[docs] def plot_population(results, outdir, num_models, reset_time=True): plt.rcParams["svg.fonttype"] = "none" plt.rc("axes", labelsize=13) times = np.array(results["m1"]["time"], dtype=float) if reset_time: times = times - times[0] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True) for PoMm in range(1, num_models + 1): ax[0, 0].plot( times, np.array(results[f"m{PoMm}"]["mechanics"]["lambda"], dtype=float), ) ax[0, 1].plot( times, np.array(results[f"m{PoMm}"]["mechanics"]["Ta"], dtype=float), ) ax[1, 0].plot(times, np.array(results[f"m{PoMm}"]["ep"]["V"], dtype=float)) ax[1, 1].plot( times, np.array(results[f"m{PoMm}"]["ep"]["Ca"], dtype=float) * 1000, ) for axi in ax.flatten(): axi.grid() # axi.set_xlim([-20, 1000]) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Active stretch") ax[0, 1].set_ylabel("Active tension (kPa)") ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Voltage (mV)") ax[1, 0].set_xlabel("Time (ms)") ax[1, 1].set_ylabel(r"Intracellular calcium concentration ($\mu$M)") ax[1, 1].set_xlabel("Time (ms)") fig.savefig(outdir.joinpath("traces_center.png"), dpi=300) fig.savefig(outdir.joinpath("traces_center.svg"), format="svg")
[docs] def find_duration(y, t, repolarisation): s = apf.Beat(y=y, t=t) return s.apd(repolarisation)
[docs] def find_ttp(y, x): s = apf.Beat(y=y, t=x) return s.ttp()
[docs] def find_decaytime(y, x, a): s = apf.Beat(y=y, t=x) return s.tau(a / 100)
[docs] def stats(y): ave = sum(y) / len(y) SD = (sum([((x - ave) ** 2) for x in y]) / len(y)) ** 0.5 return ave, SD
[docs] def extract_last_beat(y, time, pacing, return_interval=False): allbeats = apf.Beats(y=y, t=time, pacing=pacing) try: lastbeat =[-1] interval = allbeats.intervals[-1] except apf.chopping.EmptyChoppingError: lastbeat = allbeats interval = (time[0], time[-1]) start = next(i for i, t in enumerate(time) if t >= interval[0]) try: end = next(i for i, t in enumerate(time) if t >= interval[1]) except StopIteration: end = len(time) if return_interval: return lastbeat.y, lastbeat.t, (start, end) return lastbeat.y, lastbeat.t
[docs] def extract_biomarkers( *, V: np.ndarray, time: np.ndarray, Ca: np.ndarray, Ta: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, lmbda: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, inv_lmbda: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, u: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Dict[str, float]: d = {} V_beat = apf.Beat(y=V, t=time) Ca_beat = apf.Beat(y=Ca, t=time) d["APD40"] = V_beat.apd(40) d["APD50"] = V_beat.apd(50) d["APD90"] = V_beat.apd(90) d["triangulation"] = V_beat.triangulation(high=90, low=40) d["Vpeak"] = np.max(V) d["Vmin"] = np.min(V) d["dvdt_max"] = V_beat.maximum_upstroke_velocity() d["maxCa"] = np.max(Ca) d["ampCa"] = np.max(Ca) - np.min(Ca) d["CaTD50"] = Ca_beat.apd(50) d["CaTD80"] = Ca_beat.apd(80) if Ta is not None: Ta_beat = apf.Beat(Ta, t=time) d["maxTa"] = np.max(Ta_beat.y) d["ampTa"] = np.max(Ta_beat.y) - np.min(Ta_beat.y) d["ttp_Ta"] = Ta_beat.ttp() d["rt50_Ta"] = Ta_beat.tau(50) d["rt95_Ta"] = Ta_beat.tau(5) if lmbda is not None: d["maxlmbda"] = np.max(lmbda) d["minlmbda"] = np.min(lmbda) if inv_lmbda is not None: inv_lmbda_beat = apf.Beat(y=inv_lmbda, t=time) d["ttplmbda"] = inv_lmbda_beat.ttp() d["lmbdaD50"] = inv_lmbda_beat.apd(50) d["lmbdaD80"] = inv_lmbda_beat.apd(80) d["lmbdaD90"] = inv_lmbda_beat.apd(90) d["rt50_lmbda"] = inv_lmbda_beat.tau(50) d["rt95_lmbda"] = inv_lmbda_beat.tau(5) if u is not None: u_norm = np.linalg.norm(u, axis=1) ux, uy, uz = u.T for name, arr in zip(["norm", "x", "y", "z"], [u_norm, ux, uy, uz]): d[f"max_displacement_{name}"] = np.max(arr) d[f"min_displacement_{name}"] = np.min(arr) d[f"time_to_max_displacement_{name}"] = apf.features.time_to_peak( y=arr, x=time, ) d[f"time_to_min_displacement_{name}"] = apf.features.time_to_peak( y=-arr, x=time, ) return d
[docs] def get_biomarkers(results, outdir, num_models): biomarker_dict = {} fig, ax = plt.subplots() for PoMm in range(1, num_models + 1): biomarker_dict[f"m{PoMm}"] = {} # Create numpy arrays for analysis time = results[f"m{PoMm}"]["time"] V = results[f"m{PoMm}"]["ep"]["V"] Ca = results[f"m{PoMm}"]["ep"]["Ca"] Ta = results[f"m{PoMm}"]["mechanics"]["Ta"] lmbda = results[f"m{PoMm}"]["mechanics"]["lmbda"] u = results[f"m{PoMm}"]["mechanics"]["u"] inv_lmbda = results[f"m{PoMm}"]["mechanics"]["inv_lmbda"] # Select only last beat for further analysis onlylastbeat = True if onlylastbeat: "Only extracting biomarkers for the last beat of the simulation", ) # Create a list with pacing indicators pacing = np.zeros_like(time) for i in range(0, len(pacing)): if time[i] % 1000 <= 0.09 or i == 0: pacing[i] = 1 # Overwrite the variables with data from only the last beat V, timelb, interval = extract_last_beat( V, time, pacing, return_interval=True, ) Ca = Ca[interval[0] : interval[1]] Ta = Ta[interval[0] : interval[1]] lmbda = lmbda[interval[0] : interval[1]] u = u[interval[0] : interval[1], :] inv_lmbda = inv_lmbda[interval[0] : interval[1]] time = timelb[interval[0] : interval[1]] figlast, axlast = plt.subplots() axlast.plot(time, V) axlast.set_xlabel("Time (ms)") axlast.set_ylabel("Voltage (mV)") figlast.savefig(outdir.joinpath("AP_lastbeat.png"), dpi=300) biomarker_dict[f"m{PoMm}"] = extract_biomarkers( V=V, Ta=Ta, time=time, Ca=Ca, lmbda=lmbda, inv_lmbda=inv_lmbda, u=u, ) ax.plot(PoMm, biomarker_dict[f"m{PoMm}"]["APD90"], "*") fig.savefig(outdir.joinpath("APD90_permodel.png"), dpi=300) with open(outdir.joinpath("biomarkers_PoMcontrol.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(biomarker_dict, f) # Get average and standard deviation of each biomarker biomarker_stats = {} for biomarker in biomarker_dict["m1"].keys(): biomarker_stats[biomarker] = [] for PoMm in biomarker_dict.keys(): biomarker_stats[biomarker].append(biomarker_dict[PoMm][biomarker]) ave, SD = stats(biomarker_stats[biomarker]) print("Average {} ± SD = {} ± {} ".format(biomarker, ave, SD)) return biomarker_dict
[docs] def json_serial(obj): if isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray)): return obj.tolist() else: try: return str(obj) except Exception: raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % type(obj))
[docs] def numpyfy(d): if isinstance(d, (list, tuple)): return np.array(d) if np.isscalar(d): return d new_d = {} for k, v in d.items(): new_d[k] = numpyfy(v) return new_d
[docs] def save_popu_json(population_folder, num_models): population_folder = Path(population_folder) outfile = population_folder.joinpath("output_dict_center.json") if outfile.is_file(): print("Load json file") with open(outfile) as f: results = numpyfy(json.load(f)) if len(results.keys()) != num_models: raise Exception( "Number of models in json-file is not equal to number of models in cli", ) else: results = {} for PoMm in range(1, num_models + 1): print(f"Analyzing model {PoMm}") results_file = population_folder.joinpath("results.h5") if not results_file.is_file(): results_file = population_folder.joinpath(f"m{PoMm}/results.h5") if not results_file.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {results_file} does not exist") loader = DataLoader(results_file) results[f"m{PoMm}"] = extract_traces(loader=loader) # Save entire dict to json file in outdir(=population_folder) with open(outfile, "w") as f: json.dump(results, f, indent=2, default=json_serial) print("Start plotting") plot_population(results, population_folder, num_models) print("Start analysis of single node results") get_biomarkers(results, population_folder, num_models)
[docs] def activation_map( voltage: Iterable[dolfin.Function], time_stamps: Iterable[float], V: dolfin.FunctionSpace, threshold: float = 0.0, t0: float = 0.0, ) -> dolfin.Function: activation_map = dolfin.Function(V) activation_map.vector()[:] = t0 - 1 for t, v in zip(time_stamps, voltage): dofs = np.logical_and( v.vector()[:] >= threshold, activation_map.vector()[:] < t0, ) activation_map.vector()[np.where(dofs)[0]] = float(t) return activation_map
[docs] def extract_sub_results( results_file: utils.PathLike, output_file: utils.PathLike, t_start: float = 0.0, t_end: Optional[float] = None, names: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, ) -> DataCollector: """Extract sub results from another results file. This can be useful if you have stored a lot of data in one file and you want to create a smaller file containing only a subset of the data (e.g only the last beat) Parameters ---------- results_file : utils.PathLike The input result file output_file : utils.PathLike Path to file where you want to store the sub results t_start : float, optional Time point indicating when the sub results should start, by default 0.0 t_end : float | None, optional Time point indicating when the sub results should end, by default None in which case it will choose the last time point names : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]], optional A dictionary of names for each group indicating which functions to extract for the sub results. If not provided (default) then all functions will be extracted. Returns ------- datacollector.DataCollector A data collector containing the sub results Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the input file does not exist KeyError If some of the names provided does not exists in the input file """ results_file = Path(results_file) if not results_file.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {results_file} does not exist") loader = DataLoader(results_file) assert loader.time_stamps is not None if names is None: # Extract everything names = loader.names t_start_idx = next((i for i, t in enumerate(map(float, loader.time_stamps)) if t > t_start - 1e-12)) if t_end is None: t_end_idx = len(loader.time_stamps) - 1 else: try: t_end_idx = next(i for i, t in enumerate(map(float, loader.time_stamps)) if t > t_end + 1e-12) except StopIteration: t_end_idx = len(loader.time_stamps) - 1 out = Path(output_file) collector = DataCollector( outdir=out.parent,, geo=loader.geo, ) functions: Dict[str, Dict[str, dolfin.Function]] = defaultdict(dict) for group_name, group in names.items(): for func_name in group: try: functions[group_name][func_name] = loader._functions[group_name][func_name] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( f"Invalid group {group_name} and function {func_name}", ) from e collector.register(group_name, func_name, functions[group_name][func_name]) for ti in loader.time_stamps[t_start_idx:t_end_idx]: for group_name, group in names.items(): for func_name in group: functions[group_name][func_name].assign( loader.get(DataGroups[group_name], func_name, ti), ) return collector