Source code for simcardems.runner

import json
import typing
from pathlib import Path

import dolfin
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import save_load_functions as io
from . import utils
from .config import Config
from .models import em_model
from .time_stepper import TimeStepper

logger = utils.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Runner: def __init__( self, config: typing.Optional[Config] = None, empty: bool = False, ) -> None: if config is None: config = Config() self._config = config self.outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Save config to outdir def serialize(x): if isinstance(x, Path): return x.as_posix() return x (self.outdir / "config.json").write_text( json.dumps(self._config.as_dict(), default=serialize), ) from . import set_log_level set_log_level(config.loglevel) if empty: return self._reset = not self._config.load_state if self._config.load_state and self.state_path.is_file(): # Load state"Load previously saved state") self.coupling = io.load_state( path=self.state_path, drug_factors_file=self._config.drug_factors_file, popu_factors_file=self._config.popu_factors_file, disease_state=self._config.disease_state, PCL=self._config.PCL, # Set bcl from cli ) else:"Create a new state") # Create a new state self.coupling = em_model.setup_EM_model_from_config(self._config) self._t0 = self.coupling.t self._time_stepper: typing.Optional[TimeStepper] = None self._setup_datacollector()"Starting at t0={self._t0}") @property def _dt(self): return self._config.dt @_dt.setter def _dt(self, value): self._config.dt = value @property def state_path(self) -> Path: return self.outdir / "state.h5" @property def outdir(self) -> Path: return Path(self._config.outdir) @property def t(self) -> float: if self._time_stepper is None: raise RuntimeError("Please create a time stepper before solving") return self._time_stepper.t @property def t0(self) -> float: return self._t0 def _setup_time_stepper( self, T: float, use_ns: bool = True, st_progress: typing.Any = None, ) -> None: self._time_stepper = TimeStepper( t0=self._t0, T=T, dt=self._dt, use_ns=use_ns, st_progress=st_progress, ) self.coupling.register_time_stepper(self._time_stepper)
[docs] @classmethod def from_models( cls, coupling: em_model.BaseEMCoupling, config: typing.Optional[Config] = None, reset: bool = True, ): obj = cls(empty=True, config=config) obj.coupling = coupling obj._t0 = coupling.t obj._reset = reset obj._time_stepper = None obj._setup_datacollector() return obj
[docs] def store(self): # Assign u, v and Ca for postprocessing self.coupling.assigners.assign()
def _setup_datacollector(self): from .datacollector import DataCollector self.collector = DataCollector( outdir=self.outdir, geo=self.coupling.geometry, reset_state=self._reset, outfilename=self._config.outfilename, ) self.coupling.register_datacollector(self.collector) def _solve_mechanics_now(self) -> bool: if self._config.mechanics_solve_strategy == "fixed": return self.coupling.dt_mechanics > self._config.dt_mech self.coupling.assigners.assign_pre() norm = self.coupling.assigners.compute_pre_norm() return norm >= self._config.mech_threshold or self.coupling.dt_mechanics > self._config.dt_mech def _post_mechanics_solve(self) -> None: # Update previous lmbda self.coupling.update_prev_mechanics() self.coupling.mechanics_to_coupling() self.coupling.coupling_to_ep() def _solve_mechanics(self): # if self._config.mechanics_use_continuation: # self.mech_heart.solve_for_control(self.coupling.XS_ep) # else: self.coupling.coupling_to_mechanics() self.coupling.solve_mechanics() self._post_mechanics_solve() def _post_ep(self): self.coupling.update_prev_ep() self.coupling.ep_to_coupling()
[docs] def save_state(self): self.coupling.save_state(path=self.state_path, config=self._config)
[docs] def solve( self, T: float = Config.T, save_freq: int = Config.save_freq, show_progress_bar: bool = Config.show_progress_bar, st_progress: typing.Any = None, default_save_condition: typing.Callable[[int, float, float], bool] = ( lambda i, T, dt: i > 0 and T >= 40000 and i % int(10000 / dt) == 0 ), ): save_it = int(save_freq / self._dt) self._setup_time_stepper(T, use_ns=True, st_progress=st_progress) pbar = create_progressbar( time_stepper=self._time_stepper, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, ) for i, (t0, t) in enumerate(pbar): logger.debug( f"Solve EP model at step {i} from {TimeStepper.ns2ms(t0):.2f} ms to {TimeStepper.ns2ms(t):.2f} ms", ) # Solve EP model self.coupling.t = TimeStepper.ns2ms(t) self.coupling.solve_ep((TimeStepper.ns2ms(t0), TimeStepper.ns2ms(t))) self._post_ep() if self._solve_mechanics_now(): logger.debug(f"Solve mechanics model at step {i} from ") self._solve_mechanics() # Store every 'save_freq' ms if i % save_it == 0: # Save state every 10 beats if simulation is longer than 40 sec if default_save_condition(i, T, self._dt): self.coupling.save_state( path=self.outdir.joinpath(f"state_{int(i*self._dt/1000)}beat.h5"), config=self._config, ) self.save_state()
[docs] def create_progressbar( time_stepper: typing.Optional[TimeStepper] = None, show_progress_bar: bool = Config.show_progress_bar, ): if time_stepper is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a time stepper") if dolfin.MPI.size(dolfin.MPI.comm_world) == 1 and show_progress_bar: # Show progressbar pbar = tqdm(time_stepper, total=time_stepper.total_steps) else: # Hide progressbar pbar = _tqdm(time_stepper, total=time_stepper.total_steps) return pbar
class _tqdm: def __init__(self, iterable, *args, **kwargs): self._iterable = iterable def set_postfix(self, msg): pass def __iter__(self): return iter(self._iterable)